I've spent the amount of free time I have on tegaki. I have this huge urge to play games, but I just can't do it. Maybe this weekend I'll do a little gaming, but more than likely it'll just be spent on tegaki. That is okay too, as it feels like a fun little drawing game to me. I've improved so much since starting to draw little doodles on tegaki... it really does remind me of when Elizabeth and I used to draw random comics in high school. Those were the days...
As the years progressed, my journal has become less and less personal in the sense that I stopped writing nearly everything that passed through my mind and focused more on things that I feel are worthy to be talked about or fandom stuff. I don't know why it ended that way, but it certainly did. I don't mind it, I guess. Okay, well, I've always written about fandom stuff. That never changed... and I still love my female knights, but I must admit that Alice Margatroid is taking up a huge portion of my mind now. Who would have ever thought? She's similar to me in many ways and that's so different from the rest of the girls I normally obsess about who are usually my opposites.
Wow, Touhou. The only fandom I'm actually involving myself in.
I'm living what I had feared most as a child-- a working woman with only so many hours of free time with the weekend only sometimes at best. Every weekend we have a family dinner sort of thing with Grandmother and it usually takes up a good number of hours and the weekends are now my only time that I can get things that I can't usually get the weekdays to do, like chores. "You can only be a child once, but you are an adult forever" is how I thought so many years... Even now, sometimes I feel that way, but... maybe it'll not be that bad. Life is how we take it, after all. Everything always ends up being okay somehow, because it really does-- if we can't live our life feeling that things will be okay, won't it be a rather sad life to live?
I'll be okay, maybe someday I'll have a cooler job with more free time and can do whatever I want, or even be lucky and win some huge lottery and not have to work again for the rest of my life.
Oh. One more thing. My icon is dedicated to the motherfucking suns you throw at me, Utsuho.