Quiet marker of the day of birth.

Oct 29, 2007 00:09

Today was a different birthday than most.

My last birthday had everyone else go out for Halloween activities and I was a bit lonely... and at the same time, I had something that was hovering over my shoulder that didn't keep me the happiest.

But this year's birthday... it was so quiet, just like last year. The difference was probably that I got a few birthday messages over Facebook (they remind you!) and a few lovely messages here on LiveJournal. Thanks a lot guys, to all of you that wished me a happy birthday! Every year I purposely avoid answering when my birthday is (even though it's pasted everywhere in my information) and never remind people, so those who got reminded by something or remembered, thank you so much!

My gifts... well, I've got cake (and a digital one, thank you Neon! It's in my profile!!), birthday balloons, many wonderful words, a birthday dinner. And next Saturday Elizabeth is going to visit me for a late birthday hangout! Yay!

I guess that's about it. :)

It was so quiet. I really didn't do much at all, in reality. We did go to dinner, and it wasn't all that great, but it was fine.

Everything that happened today was fine.

It's because today's-- no, yesterday's birthday was different.

I'm happy. I no longer have that weight on my shoulders.

So, it's fine that it was even quieter than last year. I'm satisfied now; I smile.

I'm officially 22 years old. I feel that to be old, but I'm young all the same, aren't I?

I hope you all are having a wonderful day, with a smile on your face.

love, happiness, birthday, life

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