Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of Lions (The Lion War sounds so much cooler...) comes out tomorrow for PSP.
It's too bad that they took out that line. That was one of Delita's best lines in the game.
The above video is a fan subtitled translation, which I think is accurate. It's of the trailer.
The above video has the same scene from the above trailer, from the English version.
There's already a lot of differences between these two videos, so I'm a bit worried, but being able to see them in 3D at all makes me feel a little better.
I don't have a PSP and I do plan getting the game over the next course of whatever months it is out, though. Or maybe not, depending on what the reviews are from other FFT fans. Magazines have already given it pretty high scores and they say the translation is awesome, but...
...well, I heard something about "Agrias and Ovelia" reunion and "Agrias Birthday" events! Maybe I'll find a way to get it anyway... ;_;
Oh, and
Jeanne d'Arc seems like something worth getting, too.