Michiru's exciting blackout.

Nov 18, 2006 02:04

The blackout resulted in the electricity coming on for a split second before dying again-- our generators stopped working. And for three hours, the city of Santa Cruz (wherever the generators weren't working) was dark.

My room phone started being a little funky, my cell phone lost reception (texting that one LJ entry alone was killer as it wouldn't send through) and it was completely dark. I took out a bicycle light and walked outside.

And Porter residential college being the way it is... within 30 minutes turned into a huge glowstick dance party in the quad. ... not to mention illegal fireworks, the laser lights. It's interesting what the blackout did, I mean, how many students just had glowsticks laying around? Or how about how many students had illegal fireworks laying around "just in case"? In many ways, it was a very Porter thing to happen.

But none of that mattered to me. I'm not interested in parties. I walked out further, and I sat down where there was nearly no light source and I looked up at the sky. Orion, Taurus... Pleiades.

And I saw a shooting star, and I made a wish. I thought about how... in another culture, shooting stars weren't positive. It meant someone's heart was crying. It's so interesting to see the difference in culture. I wondered if I could have seen more if the clouds didn't move in. I later heard other people saw many other shooting stars. It made me wonder just how many shooting stars could be seen at night that we just don't know are flying.

It was the same wish I made on my birthday. The same thing I asked of my ancestors, if they could give it to me during a Taiwanese holiday. If I wish the same wish too many times, does it mean it won't come true?

agrias, sad, hello my entries are public, fictional women ftw, life, chris

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