Michiru update?

Apr 24, 2006 19:03

Been trying to catch up on sleep lately, and it seems to be doing pretty well.

So how are you guys doing? Fine, I do hope.

Drawing. Drawing class is going... not that bad. I really want to improve my form somehow... and from the looks of this class I'm currently taking, she seems very intent on using exercises that help us with detail. I think it's helping me so far, so that's nice.

Drawing has become really difficult for me now for some reason. I remember a while ago, I'd draw things, and they'd just come out... and I'd be perfectly happy with them, but now I seem to feel like... I can do better. So I become unsatisfied, and I try to draw more...

I visited a graveyard for an anthro (archaeology) assignment. It's just an odd feeling standing in such an old graveyard... I feel like shivering even as I type this. Maybe it's because all these tombstones symbolize just how many lives there were here... that used to be living.

And for many of them, they died so young. Well, of course back then, people didn't live as long, but... it's still just kind of sad to see someone die at 18, or 21, or anything... even 40...

This graveyard is located in Santa Cruz, and it is supposedly one of the oldest graveyards in California. While it isn't the biggest, it is probably one of the oldest... I can see that much. You can see the differences in gravestones... so that's interesting. It's still being used today-- I saw one around 2000, and someone else saw one around 2001...

It's really beautiful... it has all the life growing around it, around the graves... the trees... forest surrounding it... but I just felt really sad while being there, even though I've never met any of these people. I changed songs on my MP3 player, to distract myself. It gave me another memory, but it's okay. It wasn't a bad one.

hello my entries are public, health, goals

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