She stared at her painting too long.

Jan 17, 2006 00:11

Uh. Lately I haven't been able to see everyone's (I see some) buddy icons/avatars on chat programs, or people can't see mine. Odd. And sometimes I can't get messages or they can't see the messages I send to them. Ugh.

I updated my LJ interests!! Jesse, stop breaking me!!

But anyway. Today I stared at my painting too long! I don't know how some people can do one-shot things... without getting tired of what they're looking at.

I mean, I really like the way it's turning out... but I'm not a big fan of seeing the process of it. I like the result more so than the process. It's not done yet... and I should start on my next one while it dries so I can layer some more paint into it... what is it of, you ask. Umm, well... it's an interior of what looks like a church. It's very pretty! Oh. Are you all surprised or something? I surprised you...!?

...actually, it has Lady Chris in-- ow! Stop throwing things at me! You there! Stop rolling your eyes... oh... erm... well, she only takes up 10% of the painting. ...yes, I had to include her. ...yes... well, her back is turned to us... so...

Now you've gone and made me disappointed in myself. Thanks. Thanks very much.

Okay, look, I'm not very good at this perspective thing, but I'm going to try, okay? Chris isn't the biggest part of the picture, so... so s-stop looking at me like that. Like you expected that of me. Or something... agh, stop that!! I'M TRYING PERSPECTIVE.

... oh forget it, I'm going to go do my readings. Geez.

...sabery... ;_;

need sleep, fictional women, life, painting, chris, love, hello my entries are public, omg cuuuuuuute, goals, stupidity

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