Michiru thinks about what she has done lately.

Oct 21, 2005 17:33

Even though my life has been full of school related events, it doesn't feel that bad, really.

When I think about what I've accomplished, I don't feel so bad.

It's just the process of just enduring what I must do, and finding out that doing it really isn't too bad. I don't know, I just don't get frustrated about doing things, or anything.

So let me see. I'm not unhappy. That's a good thing, isn't it?

I still feel pretty optimistic. That makes me look pretty happy, I think. I mean, I could be better, but when I think about it, there's not tooo much time to be happy. Unless I'm trying to say something witty or cracking a stupid joke, I guess that means I could be happy. I'm pretty happy when I get work done earlier than usual. Yeah, that is a kind of happiness, I think.

Today, I was really lucky that Elizabeth called me to ask me to go to the studio. I set my alarm to PM instead of AM, and if she didn't call me, I would have missed my Japanese class. It makes me think of all the interesting times that I didn't miss class because someone called me to do something, or called me for the sake of just waking me up. It's interesting how it works, but somehow, if no one calls me, I somehow also wake myself up. Very interesting indeed.

I didn't eat a well enough lunch today. I've been kind of bad on the food lately, because I just haven't been able to had time to eat properly. Hopefully this weekend will be a refreshing change.

Oh, and I drew a picture.

And I drew the picture bigger than this file. So this means I'm totally improving in my art and details. I am pleased. And someday we must do a NEMO VS. ROCK collaboration.

art, school, life

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