Apr 03, 2005 01:28

Whew. Let's see... today I went to the beach! I shall have some photos some other time, I need to get them off Liz.

The beach was a lot of fun; it was a long time since I've been to one-- I mean, actually TOUCHING the water with my feet. I didn't wear a swimsuit (none of us did except for Liz-- but she did not go swimming nor was she planning to) so I tried as hard as I could to not get any of my clothes wet... but of course, with the tide being high, I could not avoid it.

Once a part of me got wet, I just decided to play around with the water (all though not completely in the water)... and well, eventually a bigger wave came by and ate me! Sort of ate me. Well, it didn't pull me back or anything, but it did make all the way past my neck... wet! ARGH!


Or something.

They all laughed at me when I got soaked! Wah! Meanies. I had such a good time, though! Liz said the sun makes people happy, because it releases endorphins!!! I shall believe her, because I was having a good time. And her new thing to bug me with (Before, it was a lot of characters-- for example, Agrias, then Lady Chris...)... >_> "space coyote." *shakes fist at Liz* STOP IT ALREADY! ;;;;; I'm sensitive about it!! ;__;

So anyway... after we came back from the beach (myself = cold and soaked), we went to eat food at the Hungry Slug. I rushed my food because Cure Black was going to call me again! And she did, for a short while. Her phone is stupid! It's too bad that when I came back, it was much too late to have another phone conversation! Perhaps we can... tomorrow? I don't know. As long as we're still here, it's okay, right? Talking to her makes me feel all giddy.

Okay. The video game tournament.

We have these fruity name tags... so I wrote "Ultimate Ivy" under "alias" because I do not play Ivy! It is supposed to be funny, okay? Ron wrote "Ultimate Maxi" because he does not play Maxi! Get it?

I joined Soul Calibur II and Guilty Gear XX. I have NO IDEA how to play Guilty Gear XX, and lost the two games I was allotted to-- since I had lost all and not won any, I did not continue.

For Soul Calibur II, my biggest rival was probably Ron-- I had kept that in mind when we entered, and that we would probably have a chance to play each other. I angsted! I did not want to play him, because I was scared that I would lose. Best two out of three rounds wins the match.

First match with Phil. I was like, "Philll, be easy on me! Plleeease?" even though I know I can beat him. He was like, "YEAH RIGHT" and Liz was like, "STOP LYING!" Hee hee. I won. "Oh Phil, you were too easy on me!" Liz: ¬_¬;;

The second match I played was against Ron, him using Cassandra (since before the tournament he was using Yunsung vs Seung Mina in my room with me... and kept losing, so he decided that today was not a good Yunsung day) and I used Seung Mina. Before the match, I angsted!!! I went ARRRGGHH!! And he went ARRRGGGH!! And everyone was like O___o! Playing against Ron is so difficult because we know each other wayyy too well. I seriously have to keep a clear mind and concentrate on playing with Ron, because if I just slip up ONCE, I'll lose.

Well, I won that match! We both won once... and the final match, sooo close, I won! I jumped around like a weirdo, and they all thought it was strange because I did not win the tournament just yet-- I had gotten one step toward the finals. Weelll, to everyone, I WAS HAPPY BECAUSE I KNOW FOR A FACT RON CAN BEAT ME. My hands were shaking, my body shaking... arghhh... I couldn't stop trembling. I ended up cowering on the floor because the battle for me was really intense mentally.

Next match was with some guy I didn't know. I was a little nervous, unsure of the level of skill since I kept running around during the whole tournament watching/playing other games. I beat him both rounds. He wasn't a match for me. I had won the upper division. Finals time.

Next match was with Ron again-- he had all beaten the lower division-- which means the two winners of each division fight. ARGH. After having watched our match, everyone now knew that we knew each other so well, they were really rooting for this battle.

Because I had not lost ONCE, Ron had to try and beat me twice. People were like, "who are you rooting for?" And Liz and Phil were like, "We don't know! They're both our friends!" Some guy yelled out, "I'm rooting for the cute one!" ...aww, he thought Ron was cute. Or was that me? I think Ron is cute. So... I don't know!

The guy who was running our part of the tournament was like, "This is really great, seeing them fight. They know each other so well, so watching them is really interesting. They have the longest matches, ever."

The first time, he had won-- but it was a very close match. Cassandra vs Seung Mina.

The second time... Cassandra vs Seung Mina.

I WON! I beat him! It was so close, my body was shaking, my hands were shaking... all this energy was going through me. It's that type of feeling when you play fighting games... it's so hard to explain! Even right now as I type this, I can feel a bit of it... but it has slightly dissipated.

I jumped around! I screamed! I waved my hands in the air! I hugged Ron! I could not believe it! I won! Of all of those entered in the Soul Calibur match, I won!

...but it was not over yet. I had played the PS2 console version-- and there was another contest for GameCube. They decided that it would be interesting if we both faced off on each of our "home" consoles.

The first match was on the PS2. Knowing that the GameCube version was so different, I thought maybe that guy would hard time with the button configuration, but it ends up even on GameCube, he edits it to his personal preference. Okay by me, but it still seemed like it was difficult for him because of controller differences. I won very easily. Both rounds.

I should probably thank Asami-sama for owning the GameCube version. Yes. I think I shall. THANK YOU ASAMI-SAMA. Even though I was not used to the controls, I tried my best to fight him on his "home" console.

I won!!!!


I beat him!! He wasn't too tough of a match, so-so match for me, even though I hateeee playing against Nightmare.

I still can't believe I won.

I am so happy! EEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I won! I won! They announced the winner on the microphone. Meeee. ...well, he mispronounced my name, but OH WELL! He apologized for it, it's okay! I could feel that a whole lot of people were impressed by me. I forgot his name, but a guy who is an RA at my dorm building-- he wanted to fight me. He was actually a very difficult opponent! But I beat him, too... Ron and I played a bit more. Sometimes other people would come and play. I played more on the GameCube until they switched to another game.

During the time after beating the GameCube guy, Liz commented, "Everyone else's matches don't seem as interesting anymore because I've been spoiled by you and Ron." I replied, "What do you mean?" She answered, "Because both of you play so well that the matches are so good! So now everyone else's matches seem really boring." Yay!

And now I am tired, and tomorrow is homework day. SIGH! I hate homework! HHHAATEEE. Okay. Pictures some other time. Yes.



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