Jan 01, 2007 17:05
But we do them anyway, because that's just who we are. Let the narcissism begin...
A "Getting to Know You" Survey
The Basics
Name:: Artax
Birthdate:: May the 4th
Birthplace: Queretero, Mexico
Current Location: The Tron
Eye Color: Deep Dark Brown
Hair Color: Black... redness in the light?
Height: 5'5"
Your webpage: I have a facebook and this thing, that's about it.
Are you taken?: I am indeed.
Are you a virgin?: ha. no.
How many & what kind of pets do you have?: I have a sister.
What's your job?: Professionally apathetic.
What's your Dream Job?: Ridiculously over-paid bike mechanic or ridiculously underpaid teacher or ninja.
Who is your best friend?: Alphabetically by last name: Thomas Bode, Andi Bouton, Steph Higgins, Simran Singh.
What instruments do you play?: Bass, guitar, a wee bit of drums and tenor saxophone.
What are your hobbies?: Fixed-gear bikesing, daydreaming.
What are your goals?: To live a long, happy and fulfilling life, while working as little as possible.
Would you ever sky dive or bungee jump?: Eagerly. I live for danger.
What kind of books and/or magazines do you read?: Fantasy and Science-Fiction, American Literature.
How would do describe yourself?: I am a Gypsie.
What is a topic you wish you knew more about?: Latin-American revolutionary politics.
What do you daydream about?: Slaying Trollocs.
What are your religious/spiritual beliefs?: Devout Atheism.
Three Things You Would Change About Yourself
One: I wish it were easier for me to be candid with people.
Three: I want to feel that school is an opportunity to learn and grow, rather than have this conviction that it's but a socially (in a structural sense) imposed obstacle between me and happiness.
Either / Or
Shy or Outgoing?: Outgoing, but in a shy/awkward yet engaging sort of way.
Spender or Saver?: Big spender.
Truth or Dare?: Double dare.
Books or Movies?: Books. I tend to get annoyed by movies that are anything less than perfect, constantly wondering how much longer I have to sit through the nonsense.
Romantic Comedy or Action Adventure?: As long as there's swords and violence, I'm happy.
Cats or Dogs?: Cats! Meow!
Mountain or Beach?: Beach, but only if the sand is white, and the ocean is warm and blue. OR Mountains, as long as there are Orcs to slay.
Sweet or Salty?: I have a really big sweet tooth.
Do You...
Smoke?: Not in any real sense...
Drink?: Yes, but it's culturally significant...
Get annoyed easily?: With myself more than with other people.
Like to travel?: Who doesn't?
Like to drive fast?: Constantly.
Sing well?: Not really, but therein lies the charm.
Want kids?: Of course not.
-----What would you name a boy?: Matrim Falcor Sanchez
-----What would you name a girl?: Alia Birgitte Sanchez
Have You Ever...
Performed on stage? In what?: A couple of times - a One Act in high school and Oxybooster shows mostly.
Been in a car accident?: er... yes.
Been out of the country? Where?: Aye, to the Mother Country.
What Is...
The last CD you bought?: A really long time ago: Hella "Bitches Ain't Shit But Good People EP", and Your Enemies Friends "You Are Being Videotaped" at the same time.
The last movie you saw in the theater?: The Fountain
The last movie you rented?: Cache [Hidden]
Your greatest fear?: Giving in and giving up.
Your greatest strength?: A strong stubborn streak.
Your greatest weakness?: A strong stubborn streak.
Your happiest memory?: Anything that could be referred to as "back in the day".
Your Favorite...
Movie: Seven Samurai and a billion others that I cycle through depending on my mood.
TV Shows: Gilmore Girls!
Actor: Mifune Toshiro
Actress: Maggie Gyllenhaal
Food: Pie.
Drink: Mountain Dew or Guinness Extra Stout.
Color: Green, black.
Scent: Clean laundry.
Season & WHY: Early or late Summer. Perfect outdoor fun weather, and the sun doesn't set until 10pm.
Day of the week & WHY:: Friday is my day.
Store: Powell's, Climbaxe, Apple Music Row, Old Town Music, American Apparel, Andy & Bax, and probably more.
Quote: "Die fast and quiet when they interrogate you or live so long that they are ashamed to hurt you anymore." - Jenny Holzer
What Do You Think About...
Abortion: A difficult decision only the woman in question is qualified to make.
Homosexuality: A natural variation of the human experience.
God: A fairy tale created by early humans to explain the inexplicable.
Jesus: An Archo-mythical personality likely derived from the existence of a real person.
Satan: One manifestation of a natural outgrowth of the belief in an omnipotent, benevolent deity.
Heaven: A pretty, but misdirected ideal.
Hell: Other people.
Miracles: The beauty of existence.
Astrology: Mostly benign fancy.
War: The inevitable consequence of an ever more global society founded in wealth and power.
Ghosts: Are all in your head.
Reincarnation: Would be nice, assuming I got to be a jaguar or a puma or a tiger.
Karma: Perhaps a good name for certain self-fulfilling prophecies.
Luck: Another name for entropy that results in positive outcome.
Aliens: Infinitely possible given an infinite universe.
And so ends my brief venture into the world livejournal.