Dec 13, 2016 13:39
Being, "like, smart" is pretty much pleather being like leather. It isn't. Smart would be recognizing that although you might, and I use might only for the sake of discussion, you might be an expert in one field, it does not make you an expert in every field.
Smart would actually listen to people who have spent their professional lives studying certain situations. Like, you know, the security of a nation. I am not the only one to say it, the first person to say it or the last, the President Elect is not smart. Not in the ways that count to run a country. Like his presidential party predeccessor, he is dangeroulsy dumb.
The difference, fortunately, is that we can see if from the jump. Maybe. There do seem to be too many people who think the solution is still to wait and see. We've seen quite enough. It was enough once Steve Bannon was appointed. But some people needed more. Skipping over the Russia situation for a moment, the President Elect doesn't think he needs to be continuously updated on the state of the world, which in turn impacts the state of our nation...okay then.
That should give you pause. If it doesn't, then you should probably stop calling yourself a patriot. I say that because the people who tend to run around calling themselves patriots and true Americans are the ones who got us into this situation. Their patriotism seems to include a profound myopia.
I hope the Electors do get a security briefing. So many other unconventional things have happened in this transition of power, why not let the people whose hands this now falls into have all the available information. If their job is to prevent tyranny, they should know exactly what's going to happen if they follow through with the votes for the PEOTUS. To quote that musical, we have entered a time, a situation where history definitely has its eyes on us. I think some people are hoping to hide from the consequences of their actions. Their is no place to hide. This is it. We see you.
On the one hand, I feel sorry for the electors in this situation. On the other hand, like the presidency they have a certain responsiblity. Hopefully, they can find the courage to rise to the ocassion. Rise.
electoral college,
president elect