My tweets

Sep 04, 2018 12:05

  • Mon, 13:11: RT @ rauchway: Near as I can figure, D'Souza is referring to this twitter thread:
  • Mon, 13:11: RT @ rauchway: But hey, there are things people should know about Johnson, that even historians who aren't specialists could tell you!
  • Mon, 13:12: RT @ rauchway: As to the charge of bigotry, Johnson was a white man from the rural South. You could win an easy penny if you bet he used the…
  • Mon, 13:12: RT @ rauchway: Louis Lomax, a black writer, did: "For we know that twang, that drawl. We have heard it in the night, threatening; in the day…
  • Mon, 13:12: RT @ rauchway: And indeed that was more or less LBJ's legislative history on civil rights, going slow, even as JFK's vice president. JFK-no…
  • Mon, 13:12: RT @ rauchway: And, you know, LBJ did. He stood before Congress after JFK's murder in 1963 and said, "No memorial oration or eulogy could mo…
  • Mon, 13:13: RT @ rauchway: "We have talked long enough in this country about equal rights. We have talked for one hundred years or more. It is time now…
  • Mon, 13:20: RT @ rauchway: In his first state of the union address in January 1964, he called on Congress to do "more for civil rights than the last hun…
  • Mon, 13:20: RT @ rauchway: His former colleagues, Southern senators, filibustered the bill. LBJ, with Hubert Humphrey, broke it. LBJ worked the phones d…
  • Mon, 13:21: RT @ rauchway: He said he was going to get out ahead and lead on civil rights legislation. "Those civil rightsers are going to have to wear…
  • Mon, 13:21: RT @ rauchway: He worked especially hard to keep the sections of the bill binding private business-the kind of thing Barry Goldwater objecte…
  • Mon, 13:21: RT @ rauchway: He had changed directions on civil rights upon moving into the White House. Why?
  • Mon, 13:21: RT @ rauchway: "Those Harvards think that a politician from Texas doesn't care about Negroes.… In the Senate.… I had to be careful.… "
  • Mon, 13:21: RT @ rauchway: "Now I represent the whole country, and I have the power. I always vowed that if I ever had the power I'd make sure that ever…
  • Mon, 13:21: RT @ rauchway: He said, "I'm doing to be the best friend the Negro ever had. I've lived in the South a long time, and I know what hatred doe…
  • Mon, 13:21: RT @ rauchway: The thing is, it doesn't really matter. He pressed for, and got, that bill made into law.
  • Mon, 13:21: RT @ rauchway: And of course, pressed by the demonstrations in Selma, he in turn pushed Congress to produce the Voting Rights Act the next y…
  • Mon, 13:22: RT @ rauchway: "We ought not, and we cannot, and we must not wait for another eight months before we get a bill. We have already waited 100…
  • Mon, 13:22: RT @ rauchway: "What happneed at Selma is part of a far larger movement…of American Negroes to secure for themselves the full blessings of A…
  • Mon, 13:22: RT @ rauchway: "Their cause must be our cause too. Because it is not just Negroes, but really it is all of us, who must overcome the crippli…
  • Mon, 13:22: RT @ rauchway: (As I say, almost all of this is really well known, even to historians who aren't LBJ-specialists. But if you're interested i…
  • Mon, 13:22: RT @ marinamaral2: The National Museum of Rio is currently being consumed by flames. Over 20 million historical items are being lost before…
  • Mon, 13:23: RT @ IjeomaOluo: So I added, "But if you are anti-choice and you want to reduce the number of abortions in the black community, I suggest yo…
  • Mon, 14:01: RT @ IjeomaOluo: "I suggest u work to increase job opportunities for black women, fight the mass incarceration of black men. Fight 4 greater…
  • Mon, 14:01: RT @ IjeomaOluo: "Then you would give more viable options to women who would like to keep their pregancy, while protecting the bodily autono…
  • Mon, 14:01: RT @ IjeomaOluo: For some reason I got time for this so I answer, "You need to look at the goal of the separation. White supremacists want t…
  • Mon, 14:01: RT @ IjeomaOluo: "Also, Malcolm X wasn't a separatist so you might want to read a book or two on him. As far as Farrakhan goes, he's an anti…
  • Mon, 14:02: RT @ IjeomaOluo: "But he does a lot of necessary work with black men caught up in the prison industrial complex and you should look at why s…
  • Mon, 14:02: RT @ IjeomaOluo: "Further, instead of asking me what I think about Malcolm X or Farrakhan, you should be asking yourself about why you think…
  • Mon, 14:03: RT @ IjeomaOluo: So he blinks at me a second, huffs a bit, and then says sarcastically, "So I guess everything is white supremacy isn't it…
  • Tue, 04:03: RT @ monicaisliberal: Here’s your resistance America. White women sitting in Boston mocking the work of Latinos in the state of Texas. Whi…
  • Tue, 04:03: RT @ monicaisliberal: White people gave us Trump. “resistor”
  • Tue, 04:04: RT @ dianelyssa: Boston is one of the most racist cities in America but go off, Annie. Why did you leave Texas instead of helping us fight b…
  • Tue, 04:05: RT @ MSNBC: In a tweet, President Trump openly laments the political effect and timing of US law enforcement actions in relation to the upco…
  • Tue, 04:06: RT @ SenatorDurbin: The stakes for this SCOTUS nom are enormous. The next justice could be the swing vote on the highest court for a generat…
  • Tue, 04:06: RT @ marinamaral2: The museum's collection was curated and preserved by hundreds of different people throughout the course of 200 years (aga…
  • Tue, 04:06: RT @ marinamaral2: And guess what will change after all that... absolutely nothing. 242 people were killed inside a nightclub in 2013 due t…
  • Tue, 04:07: RT @ marinamaral2: Because building gigantic stadiums for the World Cup, which were subsequently abandoned, is what really matters here.
  • Tue, 04:07: RT @ marinamaral2: People are wrapping the museum in a symbolic embrace.
  • Tue, 04:07: RT @ marinamaral2: The palace was donated by a merchant to Prince Regent D. João in 1808 and later became the official residence of the roya…
  • Tue, 04:07: RT @ marinamaral2: The Egyptian collection began to be acquired by the emperor Dom Pedro I in the 1800s. There was also a collection of Grec…
  • Tue, 04:07: RT @ marinamaral2: It was there that Princess Leopoldina, married to D. Pedro I, signed the proclamation of independence of Brazil in 1822,…
  • Tue, 04:07: RT @ nowthisnews: These teens are fighting to keep children of color safe from gun violence
  • Tue, 04:07: RT @ MalcolmNance: Armed Texas “militiamen” exercising “open carry” outside if a Muslim community conference on the situation of Muslims in…
  • Tue, 04:08: RT @ NancyPelosi: Too many workers this #LaborDay are facing threats to their pensions. We’re working to change that. #ForThePeople https://…
  • Tue, 04:08: RT @ AnandWrites: Having interviewed Nike workers, I would hope the company applies this beautiful slogan and Kaepernick’s example to its la…
  • Tue, 04:08: RT @ kashanacauley: Look, if you want to kill me, and I want to stay alive, the only way we can solve this is by further engaging the idea t…
  • Tue, 04:09: RT @ BFriedmanDC: Just putting it out there that Pat Tillman vehemently opposed everything you stand for and you're garbage for invoking him…
  • Tue, 04:11: just putting it out there both pat tillman and an afghan team member were killed by friendly fire.
  • Tue, 04:12: RT @ NewYorkStateAG: Happy Labor Day! My office will never back down from protecting New York’s workers and their fundamental rights.
  • Tue, 04:19: RT @ jeffzeleny: My in-box is not overflowing with GOP responses to President Trump's suggestion that certain House Republicans are above th…
  • Tue, 04:20: RT @ lynnv378: How long you lived in NY homie? Cuomo ain't fucked up the MTA. The MTA been fucked up since the 80s/90s. What NY you been liv…
  • Tue, 04:21: RT @ NAACP: Tune into the Ruth Bader Ginsburg movie tonight at 9 pm ET on @ CNN which will highlight Ginsburg’s trailblazing journey through…
  • Tue, 04:24: RT @ clara111: "As all of you have hoped and prayed for my health and long life, I shall live beyond the age of 100 years. There is a good p…
  • Tue, 04:25: RT @ clara111: Flags of #Tibet blowing in the wind di @ YouTube
  • Tue, 04:26: RT @ roblee4: My dog loves @ Nike socks. Instead of destroying clothing because your racism is showing, you could give to Frank, or here’s a…
  • Tue, 04:27: RT @ HC_Richardson: Wow. $550 million by “coincidence.” We could all use a coincidence like that, no?
  • Tue, 04:27: RT @ politvidchannel: BREAKING: Rudy Giuliani made a stunning revelation in a interview for the New Yorker, Said he’s “sure” Trump will invo…
  • Tue, 04:27: RT @ marcushjohnson: Sometimes I feel like overseas media does a better job at being objective and offering interesting insights. BBC just d…
  • Tue, 04:28: RT @ gretchenwhitmer: “I’m grateful for the men and women of labor in this state. We built the middle class. We’re going to make this a stat…

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