My tweets

Aug 01, 2018 12:03

  • Tue, 14:02: RT @ HillaryClinton: "To all the little girls watching...never doubt that you are valuable and powerful & deserving of every chance & opport…
  • Tue, 14:02: RT @ latinovictoryus: 🙌🏼 This is a humanitarian crisis being perpetrated by our own government. Thanks for raising awareness, @ MarkRuffalo a…
  • Tue, 14:06: RT @ pashulman: Obviously, no contemporary American history textbook fails to point out Jim Crow was a product of the Democratic south. More…
  • Tue, 14:07: RT @ pashulman: “Nor, importantly, was it only, or even primarily, the Jim Crow South that attracted Nazi lawyers. In the early 1930s the Na…
  • Tue, 14:07: RT @ pashulman: And what was the most important set of American race laws for Nazis? Not Jim Crow segregation. It was racialized immigration…
  • Tue, 14:07: RT @ pashulman: You know, the law passed overwhelmingly by a Republican House & Republican Senate & signed by a Republican president. And a…
  • Tue, 14:07: RT @ pashulman: The other thing that attracted Nazis was anti-miscegenation laws, which were hardly restricted to Democratic states or the s…
  • Tue, 14:09: RT @ pashulman: As I’ve said many, many (many) times, the point isn’t that contra D’Souza, Democrats were really innocent & it was Republica…
  • Tue, 14:09: RT @ pashulman: There were both Democrats *and* Republicans who had a racist, racialized world-view in the early 20th century. Over decades,…
  • Tue, 14:10: RT @ Stonekettle: There's a bit more to it than "just show up and vote," but yeah, show up and vote. Show up and vote and you can win. htt…
  • Tue, 14:19: this.👇
  • Tue, 14:20: RT @ splcenter: We need your help. If Brett Kavanaugh is confirmed to the Supreme Court, we will no longer be able to rely on the federal j…
  • Tue, 14:20: RT @ IBMAnalytics: "IBM Db2 on #Cloud is a dream Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS) solution for #developers..." Check out the review from PCMag:…
  • Tue, 15:46: great review of a book every american should read. i say EVERY american bcz there are plenty PoC whose…
  • Tue, 16:40: RT @ HillaryClinton: As of today, there are 14 weeks until the midterm election, and they'll go by in a flash. Are your friends and family r…
  • Tue, 18:51: RT @ staceyabrams: As an entrepreneur and small business woman, I know first hand how difficult it is to access capital. Georgia’s next gove…
  • Tue, 18:51: RT @ BetteMidler: I am the daughter of a house painter & homemaker. I believe in America; in unions, in education that doesn’t put a kid in…
  • Tue, 18:51: RT @ TheRaDR: Sometimes, in Judaism, a woman is obligated (not just permitted--many times she is permitted--but obligated) to have an aborti…
  • Tue, 18:51: RT @ CarvingDivine: Faith is a state of openness or trust.” - Alan Watts #Buddhism
  • Tue, 18:52: RT @ SlaylerJ: The amount of men that get on this app and call themselves “ovary busters” proves their continuous consideration of sex as so…
  • Tue, 19:15: RT @ KevinMKruse: Why? Because the incumbent Smith sought to unseat was Frank Porter Graham, former president of UNC and an outspoken racial…
  • Tue, 19:16: im beginning to think that these stupid tweets of dinesh are HIS form of foreplay so that he will get beat down pub…
  • Tue, 19:17: RT @ KevinMKruse: The obscure figures he's referencing here are Trent Lott and Jesse Helms.
  • Tue, 19:17: RT @ KevinMKruse: As I noted here, John Tower had grown up as a Democrat, but then switched to the Republican Party and won office as a Texa…
  • Tue, 19:17: RT @ KevinMKruse: As I noted here, Trent Lott served as a top aide to a prominent segregationist Democrat, Rep. William Colmer, who handpick…
  • Tue, 19:17: RT @ KevinMKruse: And last but not least, Jesse Helms served as the campaign strategist and later chief of staff to segregationist Democrat…
  • Tue, 19:17: RT @ KevinMKruse: Now, D'Souza claims none of these racist Southern Democrats who switched to the Republicans really count as party switcher…
  • Tue, 19:17: RT @ KevinMKruse: But look at who D'Souza does count as a "Dixiecrat" -- W. Kerr Scott of North Carolina. When Scott was in the Senate, yes…
  • Tue, 19:18: RT @ KevinMKruse: When the actual Dixiecrat revolt unfolded, W. Kerr Scott fought against them. He was part of the NC machine that kept Dix…
  • Tue, 19:18: RT @ KevinMKruse: By D'Souza's logic: Jesse Helms, the segregationist Democrat responsible for this racist ad in 1950, does *not* count as…
  • Tue, 20:44: RT @ lbush: Black Women have the highest voting rates of any demographic group. Yet they are woefully underrepresented at every level of pol…
  • Tue, 20:44: RT @ ColorOfChange: How do we best advocate for policies that help Black women to finally get their due in this economy? #PayBlackWomen
  • Tue, 20:45: RT @ AngelaHanks: Black women need power. So advocacy should start with the question, "does this help build Black women's power?" #PayBlackW
  • Tue, 20:45: RT @ LeslieMac: When most funding sources are looking for "people who are like them" and we know who has all the money... how are Black Wome…
  • Tue, 20:45: RT @ MrDavidJohns: Among young people ages 15-24, working full time, year round, Black women typically make 81 cents for every dollar white,…
  • Tue, 20:45: RT @ ProgCongressAct: Black women graduate college and participate in the labor force at the highest rate of any demographic. So why are the…
  • Tue, 20:45: RT @ BrakeyshiaSamms: The onus isn't black women, so miss me with the financial literacy talk. We need employers to #PayBlackWomen what they…
  • Tue, 20:46: RT @ uncalston: My first job out of college, a lab. In my 3rd yr at the company they hired someone to take on some of my workload. I trained…
  • Tue, 20:46: RT @ uncalston: Once I found out, I went to my boss and my 12% raise and back pay. Demand what you are worth. #PayBlackWomen
  • Tue, 20:48: RT @ Rewire_News: While more than 60 percent of #Black women are employed, the median earnings for those who work full time lag behind most…
  • Wed, 05:06: RT @ CivicAngela: Oh yeah, wanna read it? Here's 50 pages of Detroit, econometrics, and regression tables. Not for academic publication, but…
  • Wed, 05:07: RT @ CivicAngela: If you have questions about any of the above, let me know! I may have forgotten everything already about my spatial regres…
  • Wed, 05:07: RT @ CivicAngela: Eek! I forgot to mention version control. I did that too, with a private Github repo. My goal was to commit at least once…
  • Wed, 05:08: RT @ SarahTaber_bww: Getting ants out of your kitchen can be fun if you're into days-long 3D chess matches with a hive organism
  • Wed, 05:08: RT @ ad81109: Day 188-7/31/18 I'm very tired. Please pray for me in whatever way you pray. Walked @ 9:30am w/Bob (41 days) for Daniela&mom,…
  • Wed, 05:08: RT @ MichaelAvenatti: People ask me why I think I can prevail against Mr. Trump. I tell them it’s because (1) I’ve bought groceries before a…
  • Wed, 05:08: RT @ TheRaDR: All of you is just barely enough for this world. Shine big.
  • Wed, 05:08: RT @ staceyabrams: During our statewide “Jobs for Georgia” tour, I stopped by Felicia’s Cake Factory in Macon. Felicia’s love of baking for…
  • Wed, 05:08: RT @ RogueSNRadvisor: The only issue we should be talking about as a country and as a civilization is climate change. Nothing else is going…
  • Wed, 05:09: RT @ WomenOccupyHwd: This is OUTRAGEOUS & UNACCEPTABLE. Huge Shoutout to the @ Inclusionists Team for unveiling the TRUTH about the TRAGEDY…

#jalalabad, #jobalert, #birds, twitter, #singcanada, #developers, #filmfestival, #afp, #black, #zen, #twinner, #blackmarket, #payblackwomen, #lies, #votesharice, #teamsharice, #inuit, #returnthechildren, #cloud, #kurtschmoke, #committoroe, #flipeverything, #k, #lolla, #worldrangerday, #cambodia, #breaking, #cheran, #update, #darecallittreason, #dalailama, #sum, #payblackw, #buddhism

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