My tweets

Jul 19, 2018 12:03

  • Wed, 16:02: RT @ AFP: Quadrillion tons of diamonds buried in ancient cratonic roots, that stretch through the Earth's crust and into the mantle https://…
  • Wed, 16:05: but they have ENOUGH taxpayer $s for this AND to give away to corporations and billionaires (hear the one abt @ GOP
  • Wed, 16:05: RT @ RLadiesRTP: Join us at our upcoming meetup on Exploring Spatial Data with sf! @ CivicAngela from @ RLadiesChicago will be here and presen…
  • Wed, 16:06: RT @ SafetyPinDaily: Dairy products 'may become luxuries' after UK leaves EU | Via Guardian
  • Wed, 16:06: RT @ DrPsyBuffy: Is it possible that women everywhere are so outraged because they are craving respect & less batshit crazy commentary like…
  • Wed, 16:08: RT @ ACLUNJ: This is appalling. ICE tells law enforcement to unconstitutionally hold people, then punishes Middlesex County for refusing to…
  • Wed, 16:08: RT @ ad81109: Day 175-7/18/18 Walked 9:30am w/friend Bob for Daniela & mom, 800,000 DREAMers & parents, all immigrants in America, all who s…
  • Wed, 16:08: RT @ barefootboomer: Sending all our love and support to the people and government of Montenegro. A strong ally, a good friend, and @ NATO's…
  • Wed, 16:08: RT @ alyBHZ: a wonderful Day for all of Friends Of The @ TibetPeople you' re like jewels, valious treasures for the lucky ones whose have y…
  • Wed, 16:09: RT @ kellrstats: The @ rstudio webinar from @ nwstephens I was constantly hollering about at #useR2018 is now available for viewing on demand:…
  • Thu, 04:58: RT @ JarrettHill: If you missed the last half hour of the #ESPYs, you missed one of the most powerful award show moments I think I’ve seen.…
  • Thu, 04:59: RT @ Shareblue: Watergate reporter says Trump's behavior is far worse than anything Nixon did
  • Thu, 04:59: RT @ marthasjones_: This thread now for those of you who, like me, cannot let today’s anti-birthright citizenship oped in the @ washingtonpos
  • Thu, 05:00: sometimes, you wonder what historians used to do before taking down the twits on twitter.... other times, youre en…
  • Thu, 05:00: RT @ TheTattooedProf: (Thread) So this editorial is extremely problematic, and an attempt to clothe a fringe Radical Right theory with legit…
  • Thu, 05:01: RT @ TheTattooedProf: 2/ The author is a former Tr*mp staffer who teaches at Hillsdale College You might remember him as the guy who called…
  • Thu, 05:01: RT @ TheTattooedProf: 3/ He's also warned that without Trump, the US will go the "way of California," and Steve Bannon sees him as an outsta…
  • Thu, 05:01: RT @ TheTattooedProf: 4/ The argument he makes, that we've been misreading the 14th amendment all wrong and that it really doesn't provide f…
  • Thu, 05:01: RT @ TheTattooedProf: 5/Anton relies heavily on quotes from "Constitutional Scholar" Edward Erler, who is from the same racist circles, but…
  • Thu, 05:01: RT @ TheTattooedProf: 7/ Erler totally cherry-picks the quotes from Trumbull, editing out and ignoring Trumbull's words *later in the same d…
  • Thu, 05:02: RT @ TheTattooedProf: 8/ Erler and Anton are trying to accomplish what Epps calls "DaVinci Code" intepretations of the Constitution: it's no…
  • Thu, 05:02: RT @ TheTattooedProf: 9/ The argument that there is no constitutional basis for birthright citizenship isn't merely "controversial," or "con…
  • Thu, 05:02: RT @ TheTattooedProf: 10/ It is the equivalent of taking a flat-earther and letting them argue the "contrarian" opinion that all of our math…
  • Thu, 05:02: RT @ TheTattooedProf: 11/ We knew the Right was coming for birthright citizenship. Their "academic"-industrial complex has been mobilized. A…
  • Thu, 05:02: RT @ TheTattooedProf: Coda: Here's the book to read on the subject, from @ marthasjones_ . I'm reviewing it now for Choice, and it is absolut…
  • Thu, 05:02: RT @ TheTattooedProf: @ Iamwhoismoses If one is born here or naturalized. The 14th amendment lays it out clearly, and also dictates that US c…
  • Thu, 05:02: RT @ TheTattooedProf: @ Iamwhoismoses So one state refusing to recognize the citizenship of another state's resident would be in violation of…
  • Thu, 05:04: *traitor tot* 😂😂😂😂😂
  • Thu, 05:04: RT @ leahmcelrath: Hey Traitor Tot, Since you’re awake, mind answering a question? You’re “U.S. Person 2” in the affidavit about Maria But…
  • Thu, 05:04: RT @ NewBlackMan: ACROSS AMERICA: Clark Atlanta’s coach and SIAC Women’s Coach of the Year Yolanda Moore complains of toxic environment for…
  • Thu, 05:11: RT @ ASPertierra: The entire purpose of holocaust denialists is to post bad faith (or outright conspiracy theory laden) propaganda in the ho…
  • Thu, 05:11: RT @ ASPertierra: You can find a longer defense of our position in the post I'm linking to below, but I want to make one point absolutely cl…
  • Thu, 05:11: RT @ ASPertierra: On a related note, "100% free speech" platforms don't work online and just mean being flooded by bigots who make spaces so…
  • Thu, 05:13: RT @ NewYorker: With his Nelson Mandela Lecture in Johannesburg on Tuesday, Barack Obama offered the sharpest possible contrast between hims…
  • Thu, 05:16: RT @ lafondles: Memes are the new smoke signals. And after carefully reviewing our conversation....
  • Thu, 05:16: RT @ NAACP: 42nd President of the United States @ BillClinton delivered a heartfelt tribute to his longtime friend and colleague Willie Brown…
  • Thu, 05:17: RT @ keithboykin: Since Trump claims he's a billionaire, he could always hire a private security detail to protect his adult children as the…
  • Thu, 05:17: RT @ ad81109: This Friday, 7/20/2018-driving w/Bob to where I grew up, walking (with my sign) at 9:am for the first time in 60 years. My pa…
  • Thu, 05:18: RT @ AFP: The death toll from a collapsed apartment block outside New Delhi rises to nine as emergency workers pull four more bodies from a…
  • Thu, 05:18: RT @ SafetyPinDaily: Iraq struggles to provide war orphans with identities || via; Al-Monitor

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