Jan 21, 2009 12:11
I feel like this week is a pressure cooker that I am boiling in. Monday was a holiday, and while I am in no way complaining about that, It does make this week one day shorter. Which under normal circumstances would be totally AWESOME, but because it is this week, I feel a bit overwhelmed. I have to tally the budget for a meeting next week, and I'm trying to organize an event series for Feb/March. Plus, my boss just dropped a bomb that I need to design and fabricate a slipcover for the seat of a stroller that some students have been building, and it needs to be completed by Friday. ACK! So I've gone into blind shock over the amount of work I need to do, and have proceeded to do nothing save type in my livejournal.
When I am not at work, I have been out furniture shopping like a fiend. I held out on craigslist for a while longer, but the futons went so fast I didn't get a chance at any of them. So over the weekend we went to a ginormous furniture store in Hartford, and I found the same futon I was looking at originally, for about $200 less. Score! I ordered it. I had also found 3 chairs on craigslist that I bought and picked up, so it was a weekend of driving around, looking at and picking up furniture. This morning when I got on craigslist, there was another nice futon for sale, but I figured a) it was probably already gone and b) I got exactly what I wanted for just a few hundred bucks more. I don't know why I have this desire to get the absolute best deal I can. Must be my Yankee nature. I also picked up a nice chair for our computer desk for $7, so I was pretty content. Now if I can just stop buying chairs!!