Old layout from
To clarify the situation here: I haven't started making layouts again, this is just my posting some of the layouts I promised to clean up before I closed. I'm doing it now because semester has started and I won't have time again until July. This is the last one that I have a post for, but there are a few more that I'll still need to be released (the MV one, my personal one, clockrobot's, and the one at milou en avril) when I have time again.
image |
live layout:le creux de ma voix
style: flexible squares
accounts: Basic, Paid, and Sponsored
features:custom comment pages, mini icons, topbar
browsers: IE8, FF, Safari, Chrome
Choose Journal Style Select "Autumn" Flexible Squares layout in "Select a New Theme"
Choose a Page Setup i. Set Advertisement display to Horizontal or Between Entries
ii. Select 2 Column (sidebar on right) or 2 Column (sidebar on left).
Style Change the "Background color of the outer table" to #222222.
Custom CSS Ensure Use layout's stylesheet(s) is set to no
Paste code into the Custom Stylesheet box.
le creux de ma voix (flexible squares; basic, plus and paid; milou veronica)
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credit mini icons by
Pinvoke and navigation images are by
DryIcons safe keeping
Upload images to your own server to be safe. Tinypic does delete its images after a while.
♚ As per usual, feel free to add your own header/ edit bloody anything you want to.
F.A.Q.If you have problems with a layout, please post them at the FAQ. I unfortunately I cannot help with stylistic edits, but as I said before, go nuts doing so.
oh, and yeah:
If you see two umbrellas showing up in your header navigation, it's probably because you're linking to a website whose url ends in livejournal.com.
In the top section of the code, obliquely named EDIT NAV IMAGES, put your website link between the quotation marks of
div#header a[href*=""] {background-image: url(
http://i44.tinypic.com/b9ived.png)} For instance, if my website link was
http://milou-veronica.livejournal.com, it would look like
div#header a[href*="
http://milou-veronica.livejournal.com"] {background-image: url(
http://i44.tinypic.com/b9ived.png)} 25.03.12: re-upped background image for buttons etc.