s2 layout: trivialidades's masquerading as a man with a reason (smooth sailing)

Dec 02, 2008 10:18

layout: masquerading as a man with a reason
style: smooth sailing
accounts: Basic, Paid, and Sponsored
features:custom comment pages, sidebar, mini icons
browsers: IE7, FF, Safari, and Opera

picture | live

picture | live

masquerading as a man with a reason
((smooth sailing; basic, plus, and paid; by milou_veronica))

/* PAGE */

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contexual pop-up

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masquerading as a man with a reason [bleached]
((smooth sailing; basic, plus, and paid; by milou_veronica))

/* PAGE */

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MINI ICONS by Pinvoke

img[src*="icon_protected.gif"] {background: transparent url(http://i33.tinypic.com/2sb1hcg.png) no-repeat 0 0; padding: 17px 16px 0 2px !important; width: 0px; height: 0px;}
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contexual pop-up

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>> Choose Journal Style
>> Select a Smooth Sailing layout in "Select a New Theme"
>> In Choose a Page Setup select 2 Column (sidebar on left) .
>>Go to " Customize Journal Style". In Display, set Userinfo Position in Entries to Left side of the entry text. Then click the on Additional Options under Presentation. Set Wrap Entry text under userinfo to No. (or yes, if you prefer)
>> Then go to the "Sidebar " section. To add your free text, click on Free Text Sidebox and put your text in one of the boxes. Make sure that the box position is unique.
>>Still in "Customize Journal Style", go to "Custom CSS ". Ensure Use layout's stylesheet(s) is set to no
>> Paste code into the Custom Stylesheet box.

>> mini icons by FamFamFam (1st) and Pinvoke (2nd).
>> Need help, or have questions? First check out the F.A.Q.

style: smooth sailing, wot: layout

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