Epic Fail

Feb 14, 2010 14:44

As I was leaving for therapy yesterday morning the phone rang. It was an undisclosed number, so I answered. After all, Iowa had begun notifying people by phone for creative nonfiction, so I thought it would be dumb to let the answering machine get it.

Me: Hello?

Woman: Is this Miss __?

Me: Yes. (My heart started beating a little faster, for if the phone call was for my mother she would have asked for Mrs.__, after all.)

Woman: Kara?

Me: Yes! (OMG, I was right! Who else would be calling for me from a private number?)

Woman: I was wondering if you would be willing to donate some money for a great cause…

Me: -_-

Epic, epic fail. Ugh, I was so sure it was a program calling to say that I had been accepted. Needless to say, I declined to donate money.


Anyway, today’s Valentine’s Day. As always, I am without a Valentine. My mother bought me a nice top and the perfume I had wanted, though, and my father gave me chocolates.   I suppose it’s nice to be loved, even if it’s in a totally nonromantic way. Oh, well. What can you do?

You know, I’ve gotten so used to being single (I’ve never been anything but single, after all), that it really doesn’t bother me…that much. OK, so I would like a significant other and found myself staring at the cute guys and wishing one of them would ask me out at my friend’s dinner party a couple of weeks ago, but I don’t know anything but single, so I guess it’s not too bad…right?

FML again.

Thursday’s episode of Pokémon, which I watched yesterday, was really good. I have just so much love for Barry/Jun; he’s definitely my favorite character in DP (and I like him better than all of the AG characters, too, so I’d have to say he’s my favorite character since the original series ended). It’s too bad he’ll probably never be seen again after this saga. I wish he had done more fanboying over Paul, which would have made the Coldcoffeeshipper in me ecstatic, but I suppose I can’t complain too much, because he’s just an awesome character. I cannot wait until the Sinnoh League.

I did my English reading for tomorrow like a good girl, but I still have to finish the last essay for my thesis tonight. I’ll probably be up quite late doing it, because I don’t want to send my work in late because I sent in last week’s work a little late.

Well, Happy Valentine’s Day …or, if you’re like me, Happy SAD (Single Awareness Day).

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