
Feb 18, 2009 20:00

got the super souped up DVD version of blade runner at CD cellar yesterday. yet to watch it. after that I went to the turboslut/pygmy lush show, it was cool, ate some falafel (not before it was picked clean by my friends) picked up that new LP, it fucking destroys.

www.youtube.com/user/StarWarsAudioDramas is what ive been listening to every night before I fall asleep. nerdz

things are going at an odd pace...school mostly is starting to drag real hard. thinking so far in the future (the summer mainly) makes things go by at a glacial pace reserved for sloths and inept government programs. i have a lot of things to look forward to this summer- the fine lines tour, dads side family vacation, a cool job that ive got lined up (working at elementary schools with special education and kids with learning disabilities, mostly running around playing kickball and getting paid a lot), bike assault

i need to find something legit to do after school because most days I go home fucking exhausted, check my computer stuff or whatever, and look at my nice comfy bed thinking "i'll just take a nap", wake up at 8oclock pm to your mom telling you dinners ready. maybe i could start actually doing my homework instead of doing it in school, i can squeak by either way.

i kind of forgot about this girl that I had a mega crush on, maybe because i haven't seen her in a while? funny how fast those things fade. HEARTS AND THOUGHTS THEY FADE, FAAAAADE AWAY

this fuck buttons song has this prehistoric jungle type drum thing going on that reminds me of the part in chrono trigger at the town fair with the caveman dancing


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