Oct 15, 2005 21:42

I had a fun day with Matthew, Jake, and Grey Played video games for a while......I pushed buttons madly.....did pretty well to....only won once......a bit unfairly though......heh.....
We ended up trying to record or own version of Star Wars but the camera didn't have a tape and Matthew's didn't work so we took cool pictures instead
we have one of his sister dressed in my hoodie and carrying a big stick to be a staff so she looked an awful lot like Yoda
then he fliped and did a handstand and Jake held her up so she could grab his feet
then we put her in a muddy spot of his yard to be the swampy thing of yoda's
then Matthew and his brother got on the roof and I took pics of them fighting with nothing but blue sky backround and me looking up....looked cool
then Matthew got up in a tree and hung his sis's stuffed animals all over it to be ewoks and he even stuck one's hands in his back pockets so it looked like it was climbing on him
Oh, we also decapitated grey
it was fun
Matthew (of course) has lots of light sabers
I think there was 7 ^.^ ...they made sounds to
OH! they also took pics w/ ski masks on to show being the sand people
....unfortunatly......none of the pics are of me.....bummer....
^.^ It was fun anyway
We then played charades (Matthew and Jake against me and his siblings Thomas and Julia) ...they won....oh well.......^.^ still, it was great..........it what to run over there and see what their doing now.....hmmm....oh yeah, the PSAT was good to (yeah right)
That's it......very tired........^.^
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