Idol 11 - Wild Goose Chase

Jan 15, 2020 16:26

Idol 11 Wild Goose Chase

My dishwasher is making a funny noise. It sounds vaguely like a moose call. This is - was - an incredibly quiet dishwasher. I have owned a dishwasher since Christmas of 1976, and this is the first dishwasher I ever had that you can stand next to the dishwasher, while it is running, and you can easily carry on a conversation on the telephone.
Looking for the dishwasher paperwork, I am digging through old file folders. Folder after folder of old warranties and purchase receipts.
Once upon a time, I threw the paperwork away right after the warranty expired. Once it expires, you don't need it, right?
Shortly -- very shortly -- about one literal calendar week after I tossed the expired warranty and all the receipts and associated paperwork from my vacuum cleaner, it died. Sadly, I was informed that if I had the original purchase paperwork, I could have had the motor replaced for a nominal fee.
After that experience, I never threw away another receipt. My file cabinet was packed tighter and tighter every year.
Weeding through old files is a trip through time, following a map of all financial decision, the good choices and the bad choices. I even found a few downright ugly mistakes along the way!
Pulling out the paperwork and manuals for long-discarded appliances, a few things are clear:
1 - Buy the five-year extended warranty. If they don't offer a five-year extended warranty, the product probably won't last five years.
2 - Dryers are disposable. Buy a cheap one. The washer will outlive two or three dryers -- if I didn't use the line all summer, it might even be four or five dryers.
3 - LED light bulbs have dropped from $26.00 each on sale to 4/$10.00 on sale. Never pays to get in on the ground floor for anything electronic -- being "first" is expensive.
In our next chapter, we will learn exactly how good is the Home Depot Service? Tune in next week -- Same Bat time, same Bat channel!

kitchen project, dishwasher, idol

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