Dreamwidth, Vidding, Vividcon, oh my!

Feb 18, 2015 00:04

 I've decided to start using DW as my main non-tumblr blogging platform. I'll still be crossposting to LJ and checking both friendlists though, so it shouldn't be a change for anyone but me. I have to admit, this decision is mostly based on the large difference between the comment volume in DW vs LJ in the last festivids. I thought LJ was very dead... turns out the party really moved over to DW.

On the subject of vidding, I have acquired a new computer and updated my adobe suite to CS6. From what I can see not much has changed aside from shinier interfaces, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. This Festivids has really inspired me to get back into vidding outside of cons, and I'm excited to catch up on well overdue projects and new ideas.

And finally, also on the subject of vidding, I have been asked and gleefully accepted to join the Vividcon concom! Yay! This year will be my 8th year attending the con, and VVC  has become family (in one case, literally *pokes*
bradcpu ). I'm really excited to help the wonderful people that have and continue to work incredibly hard to make this con awesome, and make it a wonderful experience for everyone attending.  This entry was originally posted at http://milly.dreamwidth.org/588124.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

vidding: festivids, vidding: my vidding, cons: vividcon

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