Here are all the vids of mine that were played at Vividcon. All are available for download or streaming.
Club Vivid
Don't Cha / Seether (Premiere)
Description: Two slayers, two seperate paths. Buffy/Faith.
Artist: PSD vs Veruca Salt (Party Ben Mix)
Fandom: BtVS, AtS
Available for download and streaming.
LDN (Premiere)
Description: When you look twice, you can see it's all lies
Artist: Lily Allen
Fandom: Dark Angel
Available for download and streaming.
Second Banana
I'll Be There (Premiere)
Description: Buffy's the hero - they're the ones that fight her inner battles for her. Every heroine needs a support system. (Buffy/Xander/Willow/Giles)
Song: 'She's Too Much', Duran Duran
Fandom: BtVS
Note: Made for
yourlibrarian for Sweet Charity.
Available for download and streaming.
Don't Give UpDescription: When the system's wrong, you gotta tear it down. (Martha)
Artist: Noisettes
Fandom: Doctor Who
Available for download and streaming.
Please comment on the individual posts for vids, not this post. This helps me keeping track of comments and keep everything in order.
I was too chickenshit to actually have a premiere in Premieres this year, I just went all around it. Next year ;)