May 28, 2004 15:57
Tiredness is effing up my life right now. I fell asleep in four out of my five classes today...the only reason that I didn't sleep in history was because we had an in-class essay that I kind of had to get done :)
My main reason for my insane lethargy is due to the insane amount of projects I have had. I've been getting the infamous parent talk about slacking off. To be totally honest I really don't give a rat's arse. I'm doing well though because I now have six major projects out of the way...this leaves me feeling very accomplished! I still have a shit load of stuff to do this weekend (most of it I probably won't get done) but I'm surprisingly chilled about it. My over-achiever syndrome seems to have left me over the past couple of weeks and it's nice. I still have good grades, not quite as good as they used to be, but I don't put any pressure on myself which is a good thing I think.
Last night I went into English for two hours to watch a movie for extra credit. I really didn't like it but I still had a good time because I spent the entire time on my friend Emily's lap and we whispered through out the movie. It was great to catch up with her and act like we used to because I haven't really hung out with her in a while. I was also pleased with myself because I sat next to this boy that I was hung up on for waay too long and I really didn't have any mad desires to sit on his lap or anything like that lol. I'm officially over him which is most definitely a good thing for me because after all my time that I liked him...he never liked me back. I was just pointlessly in love and it was stupid! All that is in the past now :)
Today at school we had this big picnic thingy-ma-bobber. I ate waay too many cookies and was thoroughly stuffed. I had fun talking to a fellow Brit at school, who I really have never hung out with before. I realised we have a lot in common and it was interesting talking with her. It's a shame that she is moving back to Ireland in 2 weeks :(
No more time to post now...I need to get stuff done before la padre gets home from another one of his business trips tonight.