Entrance Post

Nov 07, 2005 20:45

The peace of the Bar is shattered by a resounding crash as a masked man barrels through the door, pistols in hand. Well, what peace there could be in a Bar. Or a Bar at End of the Universe. Although some may consider the end of it all to be quite peaceful. Unless you're doing the exploding, which would really only hurt for a moment, and then it ( Read more... )

caspian x, cuthbert allgood, river tam, angel dumott schunard, peter venkman

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doc_venkman November 8 2005, 05:27:10 UTC
(ooc: OMIGOD, I love you! XD)

Venkman glanced over at the door.

"Look out, Milliways, the loony bin just got another one."


lupin_xpress November 8 2005, 05:36:22 UTC

Mr. Moore lunges, pistols blazing.

"Your lupins, my lord. Not loonies. Honestly, what would you do with them anyways? Foul birds."


doc_venkman November 8 2005, 05:40:16 UTC
Oh, of course. It's another nut who's ARMED. Fabulous. At least this one wasn't packing a rocket launcher.

"Yo buddy, stash the pieces unless you REALLY want to meet Baby the Jailcell on your first night here. Got a rule against violence around the place."

He added with a snort to humor the guy, "And we're fresh out of lupins, come back tomorrow, bright and early. They tend to sell out fast."


lupin_xpress November 8 2005, 05:44:32 UTC
He frowns and looks around him.

"Has someone already been here?"

He was sure he'd plotted out his robbing grounds very precisely. He'd be taking this up with the guilde when he got back...


doc_venkman November 8 2005, 05:46:52 UTC
And about as brain-dead as Rocket Launcher Nut. Even better.

"Yep, sorry, pal. You snooze, you lose." He affected a sad look, and shrugged like 'What can ya do?'

This was almost too easy.


lupin_xpress November 8 2005, 05:55:17 UTC
He drops his pistols to the side.

"I can't believe this. You try to make an honest living redistributing wealth, and someone comes right up under you and steals your loot before you even have a chance!"

He looks about ready to cry.

"Not even one lupin? Surely someone was able to hide one?"


doc_venkman November 8 2005, 06:02:18 UTC
Peter luckily is a decent poker player, and can keep a straight face. Inwardly? He's snickering like mad at this. Especially since this guy seemed vaguely familiar, like something he caught on TV years ago.

"Somebody tried, but that other guy was a crafty one." He shook his head.

"Smelled out that lupin easy as you please, and poof, all gone. Never good when the competition gets the drop on you, huh?"


lupin_xpress November 8 2005, 06:08:44 UTC
Dennis slumps unhappily into a seat.

"To be honest, I believe I'm falling behind on the highway robbery circuit. Never quite as fast as the newcomers, rogues and scoundrels the lots of them. There is only so much to be made in robbery, especially of the lupin variety. And then there's income taxes, property tax, tolls for use of the highways, not to mention horse transportation tax."


doc_venkman November 8 2005, 06:13:59 UTC
Peter nodded thoughtfully, "Man, all that, and taxes. Probably getting fleeced for it, too? And I bet you guys never formed an union. Maybe try to work out something so you're not taking the same areas, you know? Plus, you can see about getting tax rates reduced, maybe some benefits. A robber retirement fund, insurance, the basics."


lupin_xpress November 8 2005, 06:21:27 UTC
His ears perks a bit at this.

"Do you really think a union can be started? I suppose between those of us who rob from the rich to give to the poor. Combined efforts may help...although there would have to be elections of course, and dues paid. Retirement and healthcare...perhaps a 401K. And a horse rental program with frequent robber leaques! Oh this truly is a capital idea!"

He's so excited he's forgotten all about the looting he's supposed to be doing. Good way to get fired, really...


doc_venkman November 8 2005, 06:31:15 UTC
Well, Peter will never tell on him. Nope. And it's entrepreneurship to some degree anyway. Rob and be your boss.

"Why not, arrange a meeting with all of you. Ask equal looting rights for all. 'Keep robbers from getting robbed,' there's a slogan for you."


lupin_xpress November 8 2005, 06:35:53 UTC
"Right! I'll get right on that. Thanks to you m'lord."

He leaps up and bounds towards the door, only to screech to a halt. He turns, looking sheepish.

"I don't suppose you'd have any orchids then?"


doc_venkman November 8 2005, 06:40:48 UTC
"You're welcome, good luck with that."

Off the question, Peter shook his head, "Nope, he got those too. Really clever guy, should watch out for him."

Way, way too easy. Shooting fishies in a barrel easy here.


lupin_xpress November 8 2005, 06:44:17 UTC
He huffs.

"Well doesn't that just figure. You keep your eyes peeled m'lord, and let me know if you spot the fiend."

He rushes to the door. "Come Concorde, we're forming a union!"


doc_venkman November 8 2005, 06:46:11 UTC
Peter waved, "Will do!"

As soon as the door closed shut behind the guy, he doubled over with hysterical laughter.


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