Entrance Post

Nov 07, 2005 20:45

The peace of the Bar is shattered by a resounding crash as a masked man barrels through the door, pistols in hand. Well, what peace there could be in a Bar. Or a Bar at End of the Universe. Although some may consider the end of it all to be quite peaceful. Unless you're doing the exploding, which would really only hurt for a moment, and then it ( Read more... )

caspian x, cuthbert allgood, river tam, angel dumott schunard, peter venkman

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the_seafarer November 8 2005, 05:13:08 UTC
"I think you might have the wrong place," says a young man sitting nearby, helpfully.

"We've no lupins here, you see. It's autumn, you know."


lupin_xpress November 8 2005, 05:17:02 UTC
The masked man wheels on him with a confused expression.

"Oh. I see....ummmm..."

It dawns on him and he taps his pistol against his head.

"Nice try, my lord. This seems like the ideal port for lupin transit. I know you've got them stashed somewhere in this establishment, and I intend to find each and every one of them."


the_seafarer November 8 2005, 05:20:38 UTC
The young man only shrugs, with a half smile, looking very amused.

"As you would, my lord. I wish you luck."


lupin_xpress November 8 2005, 05:24:58 UTC
A sly, piercing gaze fixes on the young man.

"So you say. I will find the lupins, and if I don't you can be sure I'll be back to question you further. So just you be warned."

He starts, watching for the inevitable sign of terror and distress.


the_seafarer November 8 2005, 05:28:22 UTC
The young man watches him curiously.

"Why are you looking for lupins in the first place?" he calls, looking interested. "Why not jewels, or gold, or some other likely sort of loot?"


lupin_xpress November 8 2005, 05:31:31 UTC
Dennis Moore stops in mid-swoop.

"Why not...sir, you are obviously a fool if you don't understand the true value of a lupin!"

He sniggers to himself. The man was either not worth his time, or playing him. He will see who has the last laugh.


the_seafarer November 8 2005, 05:33:52 UTC
"Obviously," Caspian agrees drily.

"Pray, illuminate it for me. Of what value is a lupin, exactly?"


lupin_xpress November 8 2005, 05:41:51 UTC
His mouth opens and closes for a good deal of time.

"That isn't the point! They're useful!"


the_seafarer November 8 2005, 05:46:42 UTC
"Of course," Caspian says, sensibly.

"Useful for...well...dusting things. Stuffing things." He thinks.

"Sticking out of things."


lupin_xpress November 8 2005, 05:51:38 UTC
"Oh much more than that I can tell you! Clothing, shelter, food...you try being desititute and you'll see the many uses of a lupin! You should be ashamed! Keeping them all to yourself when so many go without!"

He assumes a very superior stance and sniffs.


the_seafarer November 8 2005, 06:00:52 UTC
"But I haven't any lupins," he says, spreading his hands and hiding a smile.

"I've told you that before."


lupin_xpress November 8 2005, 06:04:55 UTC
Dennis realises his faux pas and puts his pistols up, hurrying over.

"Oh, I'm terribly sorry. I didn't realise that you were poor. To tell the truth, you looked...well...rich. But never fear! Dennis Moore will soon set you right!"

He brandishes his pistols once more, a purpose driven man.


the_seafarer November 8 2005, 06:14:09 UTC
Caspian wonders, idly, what he will do, if given lupins.

Feed them to the horses, most likely.

But for now, he sketches a slight bow, trying not to laugh.

"I thank you, my lord. That's right noble of you, so it is."


lupin_xpress November 8 2005, 06:25:50 UTC
Dennis beams and claps the young man on the back.

"You sit tight my friend, I'll soon have you in lupins enough."

He darts away through the Bar, in search of lupins.

"Oh, and don't take any lupins from anyone else. I get points you see; sales goals to meet as it were. If you were to renfer your business you someone else, I should be very put out."


the_seafarer November 8 2005, 06:31:44 UTC
"I shouldn't dare," Caspian replies, delighted with his new acquaintance.

"Pray, sir, to whom do I owe this great debt?"


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