
Oct 22, 2005 19:45

Peter! Actually looking vaguely cheerful!

It's amazing, is what it is.

lilly kane, peter pevensie, liz imbrie

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liz_imbrie_ October 23 2005, 00:58:13 UTC
It is indeed.

"Evening, Mr. Pevensie," from behind him. Wherever that is.


highking October 23 2005, 01:29:37 UTC
He turns around and smiles at her.

"Miss Imbrie! Lovely to see you again," he says, before his expression grows more serious. "How are you?"


liz_imbrie_ October 23 2005, 01:34:34 UTC
"I'm well, thank you," she says, smiling back.

She's not even lying. She hasn't been in the bar for a while, and so has missed all that doom, and she's stopped reading the papers, so she doesn't think about Europe much anymore. Much.



highking October 23 2005, 01:43:08 UTC
Doesn't think about Europe much anymore? Oh dear.

"Oh, alright," he says. "Life goes on."


liz_imbrie_ October 23 2005, 01:46:38 UTC
"Or death, as the case may be."


highking October 23 2005, 01:49:32 UTC
Peter laughs. "Yes, that too. Can I buy you a drink?"


liz_imbrie_ October 23 2005, 01:52:55 UTC
"That'd be lovely, thanks. Whatever you're having will do nicely."


highking October 23 2005, 02:13:16 UTC
"Mine is just tea, I'm afraid," Peter says, looking down at his cup and laughing.

He goes to the bar and orders them two glasses of Archenlanden wine, instead.


liz_imbrie_ October 23 2005, 02:23:39 UTC
She takes the drinks from him when he comes back, and when he tosses a paper on the table, too, she smiles.

"Oh, good, the Say True finally came out -- I think I'll need to have had a drink before I read it."

She slips the paper into her pocket, and tries the wine.

"Not bad, sir. Not bad at all."


highking October 23 2005, 02:28:45 UTC
He grins. "It's the best wine of two different worlds, at least that I've found. Archenlanden. I'm glad you like it."


liz_imbrie_ October 23 2005, 02:30:16 UTC
"And which world is from?"

She licks a small drop of wine from the corner of her mouth, and grins back, open and easy.


highking October 23 2005, 02:33:51 UTC
"Not Earth - the other world I spent time in. The world of Narnia and Archenland and Calormene."


liz_imbrie_ October 23 2005, 02:37:56 UTC
She nods. "You've mentioned it. Were you there long?"


highking October 23 2005, 02:39:19 UTC
"Fifteen years," Peter says, with a bit of a sad smile. "It's been eight years since I've been there, now, though."


liz_imbrie_ October 23 2005, 02:43:26 UTC
She tilts her head, trying to make the calculations.

"Childhood home?" she guesses. It's a decent shot; he can't be much over thirty, yes?


highking October 23 2005, 02:49:40 UTC
Peter laughs. "Actually, I went there when I was thirteen, spent fifteen years there, and then returned to England at the exact age I left. So I'm twenty-two physically, but I've lived thirty-seven years."


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