Enters a Magician...

Aug 23, 2005 13:46

OOM: Pre-MilliwaysThe door opens and in walks a figure in a snow-white hooded robe, with a backpack slung over one shoulder. The hood conceals the face of the figure completely. Pouches hang from a leather-looking belt and the backpack bulges as if filled over-capacity ( Read more... )

magius, yrael

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mogget_cat August 23 2005, 22:05:51 UTC
*The room key materializes on the bar-top.*

*The albino Bright Shiner inclines his head slightly.* Call me Yrael.

The rules are No Violence, No Business, and No Sex in the main bar area. No violence because Death really doesn't like having to work here. She comes here to relax. No business, so if someone from your world comes in that you have a grudge against, or you are supposed to kill... you do not do it here. Business from other worlds stays in other worlds. Do not bring it with you. And the third rule is mostly self-explanitory. There are rooms upstairs for that sort of thing.

Also, if something happens to Bar, it happens directly to the head Barman, too. So, no harming of Bar, for it will earn you no end of trouble. Because both the Barman and the Bar are good friends of a lot of powerful people here. Including me.

*A tuna cookie appears on the bar. The shape of a fish is done on top of the cookie in caviar. The albino smiles and picks it up.* Thank you, Lady.

(ooc: Yep! But the bar is sentient, so if your character asks for something questionable, like a gun or weapon or something living, you might want to ask a mod before having the bar give it to your character. Bar is sentient, and is very sensible. Her judgement calls are usually correct.)


magius_unlocked August 23 2005, 22:24:50 UTC
He picks up the key and places it in a pouch.

"Thank you, Lady Bar. Er...(and this is to the Bar as well as Yrael) how does one get to a room?"

He nods and smiles at the rules.

"Those rules make sense. A neccesity for a place like this then. I have few enemies. As far as I know I was rather dead for long enough that most of them are long gone.

Of course that is a whole other bag of tricks. Coming to grips with having been dead for a long... longggg time isnt that easy. and that shock is probably why i am not all that shocked at a place like this, which is far beyond my purview."

He eyes the small item with a... fish on top(?) and realizes it must be some kind of confection as the Yrael eats it.

"So, ah, what do you do around here? And what exactly did you mean before by Bound?"

(ooc: Let me know if you get tired of answering questions. This character is a rather curious one, though not as curious as the one I am bringing in tonight or tomorrow. I'm magius unlocked on AIm for this character.)


mogget_cat August 23 2005, 22:32:53 UTC
*Yrael chuckles.* Well, it is traditional to use the stairs to get up to the rooms.

What do I do? I play music, spend time with my friends, go hunting, eat, drink, sleep, occasionally visit other worlds, whatever I wish to do. It is a very nice place to live.

Some people are brought to the bar and cannot leave. Some of them cannot even see the door they came in through. Those who cannot leave the bar are called barBound, or are just Bound.

(ooc: Heck no. It's natural for a newcomer to have questions. And Yrael can't condemn anyone for curiosity, for he's guilty of it, himself. *hugs*)


magius_unlocked August 23 2005, 22:42:52 UTC
Magius laughs a rich laugh at this and then nods, his eyes twinkling.

"Yes, the stairs..."

He glances over and sees them, and then brings his gaze back to Yrael and to the room, noting the several new arrivals in it as well as many who seem quite at home.

"This is a very unusual place. Krynn, where I come from, is war-torn, or was. It definitely had no places like this! Magic seems to flow strongly here."

He listens for a moment and then nods again, his eyes showing his intrigue as he sips his drink, then speaks.

"As far as I know, I am not Bound, thought there is little waiting for me back where I was, and I was sent here by one who I place utter faith in. thus there is no reason for me to try to return there. it may be interesting to see Other places, but for now, I think this bar will be quite enough to study itself."

(ooc: Grooovy! Thank you muchly. My sole exposure to role playing has been Dungeons and Dragons in the Non-CyberWorld. So, this is all as new to me as it is to my character. *hugs muchly*)


mogget_cat August 23 2005, 22:50:55 UTC
There is a lot of magic here. Of all different kinds. Gods and angels and demons and wizards and witches and anthopomorphic personifications, and the occasional totally ordinary human are all patrons of Milliways.

(ooc: Well, you're doing well so far. Any questions, feel free to ask.)


magius_unlocked August 23 2005, 22:59:12 UTC
"Excellent! I will definitely have to keep my eyes open."

His eyes gleam with interest and excitement as he takes in the whole bar.

"This is going to be a very interesting while."

Magius settles back, his hand going out to touch the Staff a moment. The Staff flickers once before going back to standing on it's own as he brings his hand back in to his side.

(occ: whee for multiple chats! quote: "This must be what going mad is like.")


mogget_cat August 23 2005, 23:04:45 UTC
*He watches.* Your staff is magical, then?


magius_unlocked August 23 2005, 23:06:32 UTC
"Yes. It is... wel, for lack of better description, it is like the bar, awake and with it's own mind, created by me a long time ago. It holds a great deal of power. And attitude as well."

*he grins*


mogget_cat August 23 2005, 23:09:41 UTC
*He grins in return.* Ah. What is its name?


magius_unlocked August 23 2005, 23:12:24 UTC
*looks sheepish*
"Well, you see, I kind of died without giving it one, so it just became known as the Staff of Magius..."


mogget_cat August 23 2005, 23:14:09 UTC
Well, you might be dead, but you are here and so is it.

All things should have a name.


magius_unlocked August 23 2005, 23:18:28 UTC
"Yes, rather. and I think I'm not dead anymore. maybe."

He eyes the Staff and ponders... then smiles. He reaches out and speaks in a voice that seems to echo somehow...

"Your name is Humara. May you find it well."

the Staff quivers and then seems to for a moment shine with the light of... well, a bright, bright, light, then subsides one more, soemhow managing to look more content.


mogget_cat August 23 2005, 23:21:29 UTC
Names... complete things, in a way.

It is well.

I hope your time at Milliways is a good one, Magius. You seem to already expect it to be interesting, which usually is an accurate outlook. I shall bid you good evening.


magius_unlocked August 23 2005, 23:23:02 UTC


mogget_cat August 23 2005, 23:26:45 UTC
*He drains his bright green drink, ice and all, and sets down the glass before wandering away.*


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