
Jul 19, 2005 15:06

After her bath yesterday, Mel slept for longer than she's ever slept at once, waking up when Mikey returned after happy hour, and then staying with him all night. The best night in well over a month.

Now the familiar sight of the damp haired Slayer has returned to your Milliways morning. She missed this.

ace (pyro), melaka fray, gaspode, lando calrissian

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general_lando July 19 2005, 14:21:51 UTC
Lando, sipping his stim tea, notices the young woman.

"Good morning," he says in a pleasant voice.


slayer_fray July 19 2005, 14:27:22 UTC
"Mornin'" she returns with a smirk.


general_lando July 19 2005, 14:28:59 UTC
He returns a smile.

"Lando Calrissian. I'm fairly new to the place. And you are?"


slayer_fray July 19 2005, 14:32:16 UTC
"Mel Fray," she kicks out a chair in invitation. "Not new, really, although I've been gone about a" month "week.

"Pleasedta meetcha."


general_lando July 19 2005, 14:36:19 UTC
Lando sits, still grinning courteously.

"Quite a tapcafe you have here, Mel. Makes an excellent cup of stim tea, among other drinks.

"Where are you from when you aren't here, Mel?"


slayer_fray July 19 2005, 14:42:46 UTC
"Makes an excellent everything," Mel corrects with a wider smirk. "Try her pizzas some time. Only don't tell Mikey I said that," she adds. "He still holds his are better.

"Haddyn, New York, 2293. You?"


general_lando July 19 2005, 15:01:10 UTC
"Pizza? I'm afraid I don't know what a pizza is. But I might have to try one, if you say it's that good."

"I met a woman from New York earlier today. Though she didn't give the year. But that would indicate you're also a Earther. I never heard of this world till I got here, and now it seems everyone but my 'niece' and Luke are from there. I wonder if that means anything." He shrugs.

"I'm not really from any one place. Of late, I'm living with the Alliance Fleet. And with any luck, I hope to get back to Cloud City. But I guess you could say the galaxy is my home."


slayer_fray July 19 2005, 15:16:49 UTC
"Another spacebaby, huh?" Mel says easily. "You're not the only one I've met by any means. Dunno if it means much. Even in my time, most of the population lived on Earth, and I'm from a way in the future compared to most."


general_lando July 19 2005, 15:21:28 UTC
"Well, it doesn't matter much. I've met beings from hundreds of worlds, so why not one more?

"Not sure I'd think of myself as a 'spacebaby' though. I'm good with a spacecraft, and have made my living in them for a good chunk of my life, but there's something to be said for actual gravity under your feet. and it's hard to live well in a spacecraft, no matter how well-appointed." He isn't really trying to impress her, but at some level he is noticing that she isn't impressed.


slayer_fray July 19 2005, 15:34:47 UTC
"Gravity's OK," Mel says with a shrug. "I've never been in space. But I do love that feeling you get when you jump off a building. Free fall. It's rocketship."


general_lando July 19 2005, 15:41:54 UTC
Lando cocks his head and almost raises his eyebrows.

"Why would you jump off a building?"


slayer_fray July 19 2005, 15:43:05 UTC
A sheepish look.

"OK, so I don't jump all that often. Usually I'm just thrown."


general_lando July 19 2005, 15:54:11 UTC
He doesn't believe this at all. His face shows as much.

"Why would anyone throw a pretty young woman like you from a building? And how do you manage to survive without anti-grav gear, or a jetpack, or the Force?"


slayer_fray July 19 2005, 15:59:29 UTC
"Someone who wants what I got," she shrugs. "Rival gangs, vampires, you'd be surprised how often it happens to me."

She leans forward then, as if telling an exciting story. "What y'hafta do, is break the fall into lots of little ones. Land on cars, grab on to the wall, anythin' to slow yourself down. And try to land on your feet."


general_lando July 19 2005, 16:15:57 UTC
He nods in some sympathy, and starts to believe at least some of this.

"I know a good deal about protecting what you have. But I find it a lot easier to do it with a spacecraft and a turbolaser. And I don't know what a vampire is. That a form of customs agent?"

And then he hears her methods for surviving. And if nothing else, knows that she believes her words to be true.

So he laughs just a bit.

"That's quite remarkable, Mel. I have a friend who can sort of do that. Man named Skywalker, who's supposed to be here, according to his wife. But life might be easier with less falling and more flying."


slayer_fray July 19 2005, 16:20:13 UTC
"A vampire's a kinda demon," she explains. "Undead, possessed dead body. Likes to kill people.

"And I have a rocketboard. Well, a magical one. That's saved my ass a coupla times as well. Pull it out just in time to stop hitting the ground and fly up to meet the dicks that threw ya."


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