
Jul 13, 2005 13:06

Claire's behind the bar today. Didn't think she would be? Well, you thought wrong. She's behind the bar and she's already cleaned and straightened everything twice. She looks tired and stressed and generally dissatisfied with life, but that's all par for the course lately ( Read more... )

bartending, gaspode, shannon rutherford, barry allen, george cooper, claire littleton, ginevra of solinde

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ihlini_witch July 13 2005, 18:23:33 UTC
Ginevra walks up to the bar, quietly looking around as she does so.

"Greetings," she says to Claire, with a little smile.


sendpeanutbtr July 13 2005, 18:28:00 UTC
"Hi, Ginevra," she manages a weak smile. "I haven't seen you in awhile.


ihlini_witch July 13 2005, 18:46:26 UTC
"I have been home for a year," Ginevra says. "My time. Then somebody seemed to decide it was time for another holiday for me."

She smiles at Claire, who does look a bit thin at the edges. "Seth is still just a few months old, isn't he?"


sendpeanutbtr July 13 2005, 18:47:51 UTC
"He's almost five months," she nods, smiling. "We're trying to teach him to eat baby food, but it's slow-going."


ihlini_witch July 13 2005, 18:55:00 UTC
"Nobody can believe how far baby food can fly unless they've seen it," Ginevra agrees. "I used to have a special robe I only used for feeding Cynric."

She smiles at Claire again. "I've read that there's wine that's both red and white at once; I think I'd like to try some if you have any?"


sendpeanutbtr July 13 2005, 18:58:44 UTC
"Of course," she isn't quite sure what she's referring to, so she merely taps the bar, and waits to see what appears.

"How are things at home, then?"


ihlini_witch July 13 2005, 19:06:05 UTC
A glass of rosato wine turns up from the bar. Ginevra tries a sip, and smiles.

"Stressful, but in a good way," Ginevra says. "Cynric is old enough to ask questions, and say 'No' to everything he doesn't like, and he even does magic on occasion, quite plannedly and with good coordination," she adds, proudly.


sendpeanutbtr July 13 2005, 19:08:20 UTC
"Well," she laughs. "That is something! Are you still resigned about bringing him in the bar?"


ihlini_witch July 13 2005, 19:19:28 UTC
Ginevra laughs, then shrugs.

"I'd like to - only this time, when I came in, my husband's venerable and formidable great-aunt Ilsa was waiting outside the door that was taking me to this place," she explains.


sendpeanutbtr July 13 2005, 19:21:18 UTC
"I see," she smiles. "Clearly a problem. Does your husband know about Milliways?"


ihlini_witch July 13 2005, 19:27:00 UTC
"Kellin used to come here when he was young; apparently, the place has given him much grief," Ginevra says, sighing. "He's not ever coming back, that's all he's got to say about it."


sendpeanutbtr July 13 2005, 19:29:15 UTC
"I hope, then, that it works out he never has to," she says with a touch of resentent. Milliways is better than the island, true, but there's got to be a palce better than Milliways.


ihlini_witch July 13 2005, 19:54:05 UTC
"In any case, I didn't want to chance the door closing again while I found Cynric, and got Kellin to distract Aunt Ilsa," Ginevra says, shrugging slightly.

"I haven't seen my former god around this time, either," she adds, apparently lumping in Asar-Suti with Ilsa of Solinde among the people to be avoided.


sendpeanutbtr July 13 2005, 19:56:45 UTC
"I haven't seen him since last week," Claire muses. "He was on a mission. He didn't have much time to talk."

She looks around the room for him, but the siren call of Wednesday's mint juleps doeesn't appear to be working today.


ihlini_witch July 13 2005, 20:00:37 UTC
Ginevra smiles, pleased, but also a bit puzzled. "On a mission - to do what?"

Gods shouldn't go on missions; they have their followers to send on missions. But the Seker has turned into a pathertic ex-god. On a mission. Tsk.


sendpeanutbtr July 13 2005, 20:09:21 UTC
"Something to do with his books," she smiles. "He's building quite a library upstairs."

. . .and the mun's memories aren't working so she can't look up to see if this is accurate, say sorry.


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