
Aug 26, 2004 22:26

Fighter makes his entrance. "I keep /coming/ here," he mumbles. "It's as if I'd confused it with a sword shop of some sort. One that sold swords, I mean."

fighter, strong bad

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good_or_awesome August 27 2004, 08:03:15 UTC
*Strong Bad wanders over with his provisions.*

Hey man. They got cold ones now. Well, they're just ones, but I think they're gonna be puttin' 'em in the fridge soon. And Swiss cake rolls, too.

And yeah, I guess having a sword shop here would be pretty cool. Sorry this isn't one.

[OOC: Dare I hope that Fighter will notice Strong Bad this time, now that the little guy's mentioned swords?]


third_wiggin August 27 2004, 08:45:57 UTC
[OOC: *squeal* Strong Bad! Yaaay!]


swordchucks August 27 2004, 17:05:09 UTC
[OOC: Waaah! I keep going to sleep right before Strong Bad comes over! Wanna use this thread even though it's a day late?]


good_or_awesome August 27 2004, 18:00:02 UTC
[OOC: Sure!]


swordchucks August 27 2004, 18:17:12 UTC
"Fridge, eh? Swiss cake rolls, eh?" As usual, the other person's words have sailed right over Fighter's head. "I like swords! What's your name, mister?"


good_or_awesome August 27 2004, 18:23:21 UTC
I'm Strong Bad. I have been described as "cool", "awesome", "hot", "videogames", "the hottest", and "real real hot". What's your name?


swordchucks August 27 2004, 18:26:11 UTC
"I'm Fighter!" There's a moment's pause. "What's a strong bad do? And how come you're all funny-looking?"


good_or_awesome August 27 2004, 18:45:01 UTC
Dude, at least I don't got jaggies all over me! *Except when The Cheat draws me into his cartoons, Strong Bad thinks but doesn't say.*

And "Strong Bad" is just who and what I am, not what I do. As for what I do... among other things, I'm the greatest criminal mind of my time; I'm the supreme dictator-for-life of Strong Badia and the organizer of Awexome Cross '98; and I'm the writer, director and star of the Dangeresque movies. And I do my own stunts in those, too!


swordchucks August 27 2004, 18:54:18 UTC
"Jaggies?" There's a moment of incomprehension, then Fighter runs around, slapping himself. "Eeeeek! Jaggies! They run amok over my precious, precious skin, BITING AND CLAWING AND BITING! Get them off of me, they're poison!"


good_or_awesome August 27 2004, 18:57:21 UTC
*Strong Bad decides not to explain what he meant. It's more fun to watch this goober do the Mosquito Dance. He sits down with his cold one and his Swiss cake roll to watch the floor show.*


swordchucks August 27 2004, 19:03:06 UTC
"Aaaaah! The jaggies are laying their eggs inside my flesh! There is no hope for me-- none! None! I only regret that I didn't spend enough time wielding sworrrrrrds!", Fighter screams as he runs right through the door.

[OOC: Feh, real life interrupted. Will you take a rain check?]


good_or_awesome August 27 2004, 19:14:12 UTC
[OOC: Don't feel bad; this has been plenty of fun! I don't need a rain check the way you mean it, but if you want to bounce these two off each other again later, I'm up for it, sure!]

*Strong Bad watches Fighter's abrupt dramatic exit, almost perplexed.* Jeez. That guy's got the stupid-ness of Homestar and the weird-ness of Homsar. I gotta tell the Guys about him. Him and that Diggy Small dude...


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