(no subject)

May 05, 2005 10:06

Morning. Such a subjective thing here at the end of the Universe. But the 'sun' is up and people who slept are awake now, so that ought to count for something. From upstairs there briefly comes the pitter-patter of rhinoceros feet, and then Ray slides down the banister (or tries to) and trots into the bar proper. He immediately finds a table and sets about writing several notes:

Dear Barry,

I'm stepping out of the Bar for a while, and I'm taking Peter with me. We're going to my New York and seeing if that doesn't help settle his head a bit, poor guy. With any luck we'll be back soon. I'm going to load up on some photographs and city souvenirs while I'm there, so if you see a guy named Wash anywhere around, tell him to make some room on his wall for some posters, okay? Thanks.

Take care,

Dear Eska,

I'm going back to my world's New York City for a while. My friend Peter came out of his broken mental state but he's still kinda fragile, and he wants to be in a familiar environment for a while, so it seemed like it might be a good idea to take him to New York even if it can't be his New York. There's not that much difference between our worlds anyway, just thirteen years or so. With any luck he'll be in better mental shape when we get back.

I'm going to be hitting the local museum of natural history really, really hard while I'm in the city- might be able to get you some books while I'm there. Maybe a map of our solar system. Whatever I can carry back, you know?

Talk to you later,

Dear Fred,

If anyone's looking for me, I'm heading for New York. My buddy Peter turned up in the Bar a few days ago, but he came from an alternate timeline, one where all the stuff we did happened about twenty years earlier. I'm not sure how that works but it's a really fascinating chronal anomaly and probably worthy of study the next time we get together. Anyway, Pete got Bound, which wouldn’t have been so bad if this place didn't give him a bad case of the bejabers, so we're going to my world for a while to give him a nice familiar setting to deal with before any more Bar weirdness gets to him. Shouldn't be away too long, but feel free to stop by if you get this note. I'm always glad to see you, you know that.

Actually, that's probably not the right way to put it. It's more something along the lines of "I miss you and I want to see you more often, so if you get the chance, come on by".

Anyway. Like I said, I'll be in New York with Peter. I'll look you up straightaway when I come back.

Hope to see you soon,

The notes are sealed in their envelopes and given to the Bar for safekeeping until the people to whom they are addressed arrive. For now, Ray just heads back upstairs, comes down with a few bags, and gets himself some cereal as he waits for his friend to arrive.

virginia lewis, ray stantz

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