
Mar 31, 2005 15:28

Edmund has been in the bar for some time now without an entrance post, because his player is a doofus.

Just at the moment, he's got tea and his notebook again, sitting at a table in the middle of the room.

suzie costello, edmund pevensie, lucy pevensie

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is_a_boy March 31 2005, 21:34:22 UTC
Yes the player is a doofus. But we still love the player.

Tea sounds like a good idea. Blaise moves to the bar to get some and accidently bumps the table Edmund is sitting at.

"Oh, I'm sorry."


iustus_rex March 31 2005, 21:36:09 UTC
He catches his tea, because spilled tea is not love.

And he looks up with a polite smile.

"No, that's all right. No harm done."


is_a_boy March 31 2005, 21:38:02 UTC
Blaise almost politely smiles back.

"I almost spilled tea on your book. Again, I'm sorry."


iustus_rex March 31 2005, 21:45:42 UTC
"Almost, perhaps, but they're just notes and easy enough to recreate, and you didn't besides. So really, it's all right."

He offers a hand.

"Edmund Pevensie, how do you do?"


is_a_boy March 31 2005, 21:49:03 UTC
He takes the hand, shaking it.

"Blaise Zabini. Have you been here long?"


iustus_rex March 31 2005, 21:51:25 UTC
He shakes his head as he picks his tea up again a moment later, and takes a sip.

"No, not very. A few days. A week, perhaps? It's a bit hard to judge time here, for some reason."

He shrugs.


is_a_boy March 31 2005, 21:54:22 UTC
He nods.

"It is. Time definately moves differently here. A month for one person can be four or five months for another."


iustus_rex March 31 2005, 21:56:56 UTC

He looks a bit surprised, and then blinks, recollecting himself, and waves a hand to one of the other chairs at the table.

"Please, have a seat if you like."


is_a_boy March 31 2005, 21:58:58 UTC
"Well, it was a month here, while it was five months somewhere else."

He goes to gather The Odyssey from the booth he had been sitting in, then sits down at the table.

"Thank you."


iustus_rex March 31 2005, 22:02:52 UTC
He tilts his head a bit, reading the title, and then smiles.

"Oh, you're quite welcome. And that's a lovely book."


is_a_boy March 31 2005, 22:05:49 UTC
He looks down at the book.

"It is. The bar gave it to me since none of my books are here. And I had a desire to read something."


iustus_rex March 31 2005, 22:08:20 UTC
"I can never read it anymore without being reminded a bit of my friend Caspian."

He blinks at Blaise.

"None of your books are here? That's quite sad, although I suppose I'm in the same situation. Can you not leave to get them?"


is_a_boy March 31 2005, 22:11:11 UTC
He blinks back.

"How does it remind you of your friend?"

He runs his fingers over the words, shrugging.

"I think if I showed up at school to get them, I'd give some of my professors heart attacks. Or possibly not. I wouldn't be able to collect them myself, that is for sure."


iustus_rex March 31 2005, 22:13:32 UTC
"I went on a trip that ended up rather like parts of the story, once. A few months at sea with friends, including Caspian."

He shrugs, and then tilts his head at Blaise curiously.

"Whyever not?"


is_a_boy March 31 2005, 22:16:28 UTC
He smirks a little.

"Because if I was there, I would be a ghost. And my hands would go right through them."


iustus_rex March 31 2005, 22:25:44 UTC
He blinks.

"Oh dear. I'm sorry, I hadn't realized you were dead."

And for some reason, he seems to keep meeting people who are, still without realizing he is as well.


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