
Mar 18, 2005 14:43

The 24 contingent has one more in the Bar. Not that this one has left. No, she's been here for a few days. Just hiding away in the shadows. Not flirting. Cause that would involve emotions. Which Chloe does not have ( Read more... )

george sands, claudia donovan, ryan chappelle, chloe o'brian, logan

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une_ame_damnee March 18 2005, 23:00:33 UTC
[OOC: Well, if you're asking for it. *grin* Feel free to retaliate by siccing the triplets on Chase, if you so desire.]

Rochefort prowls the bar, looking for someone to explain things to him. If he has to get the information out of them at swordpoint, so be it. He might just do that for fun.

He accosts the first individual he comes across, which happens to be Chloe. "Mademoiselle," he purrs. "Kindly explain to me where I am and how to get out of here." In French, of course.


accessobrian March 18 2005, 23:10:52 UTC
[ooc: you will rue the day! BWAHAHAHAHA*HACKCOUGHDEAD*]

Chloe looks at the frenchman. Oh fuck. High school french teacher redux
""Vous êtes dans Milliways et vous êtes coincés ici."


une_ame_damnee March 18 2005, 23:17:05 UTC
[OOC: Oh, but Ryan looked like he was having such fun with them. :)

Also, I have no idea what Chloe just said. */sheepish*]

Rochefort frowns. The woman's French is abominable. He hasn't a clue what her native language might be, but he switches to English on a hunch. "What is Milliways?"


accessobrian March 18 2005, 23:20:00 UTC
[ooc: yes. he was. *shifty* and s'ok, neither do I. ;)]

"Sorry about my french, its been a long while. Milliways is a Bar at the end of the Universe. And you're stuck here until the Bar decides you can go."


une_ame_damnee March 18 2005, 23:28:34 UTC
Rochefort shakes his head irritably. Bloody English. "What do you mean?" he demands, sure he's misunderstood her. "How can a bar decide anything?"


accessobrian March 18 2005, 23:35:31 UTC
"I mean," growing a little irritated with the rude behavior, "the bar is magic. It can keep you here."

Remember Chloe, you were new here once too. Oh shut it conscience.


une_ame_damnee March 19 2005, 03:19:59 UTC
Rochefort narrows his eye. He does not take kindly to having his patience tried. When Rochefort's patience is tried, people usually die. "There is no such thing as magic, mademoiselle," he says dangerously. "Tell me how to leave. Now."


accessobrian March 19 2005, 03:26:03 UTC
"Are you kidding me."

Chloe rolls her eyes, looks over at the Bar, and nods.

"Bar, can I get some French Bread?"

A roll of bread appears.

Chloe looks back at the Frenchman. "Believe me now?"


une_ame_damnee March 19 2005, 03:30:24 UTC
Rochefort betrays no emotion at this, at least no outwardly. "Mere sleight of hand," he says calmly. "I am not a fool, mademoiselle, and I am fast running out of patience."

Inwardly, he is panicking slightly and using words that would make a nun faint.


accessobrian March 19 2005, 03:35:17 UTC
If Chloe were at her desk at CTU, she'd head desk. But she's not, so she doesn't.

"Go around to all the doors and try them all. I dare you to find a way out. And if you do, do tell. Because I can't find one for the life of me."


une_ame_damnee March 19 2005, 03:37:26 UTC
Rochefort sets his jaw. "That will not be necessary," he murmurs darkly. "Who owns this bar?"


accessobrian March 19 2005, 03:39:48 UTC
Chloe starts to answer, then stops and has to think.
"I don't know. I don't think anyone owns this bar. I think the Bar just exists on its own."


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