
Mar 06, 2005 17:27

*Snow enters the bar with the twins and retrieves their dinner from Bar. Realizing Bigby's busy, she simply gives him a warm smile before heading for the usual booth*

snow white, millie, gil whimple, bigby wolf, wade

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fairest1 March 6 2005, 22:41:20 UTC
*Snow grins at him, accepting the flowers*

Thank you, Gil. I hope Ratty had a nice day, too.


gil_whimple March 6 2005, 22:44:14 UTC
"She did!" Gil grins. "We - that is the babies and I - made her breakfast in bed. Let me tell you making breakfast with nine baby rats is a bit of an adventure. They know no fear! they'll soon be ready to be wait-rats tho' one tells me he wants to be an astroturf - or something."


fairest1 March 6 2005, 22:48:19 UTC
*Snow snickers*

I bet they'll be grown and helping their mother with the specials before she knows it.


gil_whimple March 6 2005, 22:51:27 UTC
"They are already into everything in the kitchen. I've forbidden them from coming into the bar again until they are a bit bigger but it won't be long. They've already perfected the teenage stare and pitying sigh.

"Oh, Gil!" His imitation is immediately recognisable to anyone who has either been on the receiveing end of it or has witnessed it.

He smiles at the twins. "They look like little angels though."


fairest1 March 6 2005, 22:58:14 UTC
I have to say, I'm glad Millie and Wade haven't aged that quickly. They're well-behaved, most of the time.

*the twins smile back at him*


gil_whimple March 6 2005, 23:00:57 UTC
Gil smiles at them as well. "Want some dinner then?" He stoops and speaks in a stage whisper to the twins. "Can I get you anything nice for your Mum? What would you like?"

He rolls an eye to Snow and winks.


fairest1 March 6 2005, 23:09:24 UTC
*Snow smiles*

I'll have the roast, please. They've already had their bottles, but they can have a treat if they like.


gil_whimple March 6 2005, 23:13:19 UTC
"So, roast pork with crackling and apple sauce and all the trimmings, and two top quality rusks? coming right up!"

Gil gives the order to faithful Everard who scampers away and is back in a flash with the plates. Gil thanks him and puts them on the table.

"There you go," he says. "I hope you all enjoy them."


fairest1 March 7 2005, 01:37:27 UTC
*Snow smiles*

Thank you, Gil.

*and she eats happily as her mun curses her computer*


gil_whimple March 7 2005, 07:48:32 UTC
{oooc: awwww *hugs*}


big_b_wolf March 6 2005, 22:56:24 UTC
*Bigby looks up at Gil's approach. While they've never really met, he's heard enough descriptions.*

Gil. You know Richard, right?


gil_whimple March 6 2005, 22:57:46 UTC
"Richard? Oh, yes, sir," Gil replies, very respectfully.


big_b_wolf March 6 2005, 23:01:15 UTC
Have you seen him around lately? Faith's looking for him.


gil_whimple March 6 2005, 23:03:22 UTC
"No, I'm afraid I haven't. I heard that he'd been quite badly hurt the other night when the - um - the - um - wolf person came into the bar." Gil smiles apologetically. "The rats told me."


big_b_wolf March 6 2005, 23:10:10 UTC
*He nods.* He may have been infected with the werewolf's bite, or so I'm told. Faith's got the cure, and she's been trying to find him to vaccinate him.


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