Out of the rabbit hole

Mar 06, 2005 11:59

*looks around--surprised to find she isn't in the field supply closet*

This . . isn't the Crime Lab.

*sees various patrons of various species wandering about*

Where in the hell am I?

faith lehane, sara sidle, cole turner, tiki

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nomorethesource March 6 2005, 18:02:22 UTC
Cole looks up from his notebook and sees the confusion on Sara's face.

"First time here?"


lvpd_sidle March 6 2005, 18:04:04 UTC
"Uh, yes." Sara places one hand against her hip, fingers brushing her gun for comfort. "The last time I checked, I was in the Las Vegas Crime Lab. Where am I?"


nomorethesource March 6 2005, 18:09:14 UTC
"Well, you're a long way from Las Vegas. Welcome to the end of the Universe. This is Milliways Bar." He sees her hand moving towards her gun and his face goes stern. "And I wouldn't pull that if I were you. Bar rules, no violence."


lvpd_sidle March 6 2005, 18:12:16 UTC
"I was checking to be sure it is still there. I don't like being without it." She takes a deep breath, calming herself. "The end of the Universe?" Her mouth twists sardonically. "Well, I suppose this beats going back to my apartment."

"I can go back, can't I?"


nomorethesource March 6 2005, 18:18:46 UTC
Cole relaxes a bit, then chuckles. "That depends on the bar. If the door works, yes. You can go back. But there's a number of people who are bound here. Myself being one of them. Usually there's a reason they are bound though."


lvpd_sidle March 6 2005, 18:23:13 UTC
"Hmph. Charming." She sits down next to Cole. "Is the food decent? I haven't eaten in 16 hours."


nomorethesource March 6 2005, 18:26:24 UTC
Cole blinks. 16 hours? "Well, since the bar can provide anything from anywhere... I'd say it's better than most. Prices are reasonable too. And first drink is always on the house."


lvpd_sidle March 6 2005, 18:30:17 UTC
She grins at his confusion. "I'm a crime scene investigator. Most perps aren't courteous enough to schedule their murders one per day. Hmmm...." She studies the selections on the wall behind the bar.


nomorethesource March 6 2005, 18:33:53 UTC
"A CSI, huh? I used to work in the San Francisco DA's office. Worked with their CSI unit a couple of times. Should have recognized the haggard look. In that case, your first meal is on me as well."


lvpd_sidle March 6 2005, 18:38:18 UTC
"That's awfully considerate of you." She smiles. "As long as the meal is vegetarian. I'm currently working in Las Vegas. It makes for interesting cases at times."

She blinks. "I haven't introduced myself, have I? Sara Sidle." She offers her hand.


nomorethesource March 6 2005, 18:42:17 UTC
Cole takes the offered hand and shakes it. "Cole Turner." He summons a waiter rat and orders a reuben and iced tea, the gestures to Sara.


lvpd_sidle March 6 2005, 18:46:08 UTC
"Sweet iced tea, please." She looks startled by the sound of her cellphone ringing. "These work here? Figures--I can go to the end of the universe, yet can't escape the lab." She flips it open. "Sidle. Where? I'm sorry, Grissom, but it's my day off and for once, I'm going to take it. Take Sanders, he needs the experience. Goodbye."

She closes the phone with a sigh, muttering something about hypocritical supervisors.


nomorethesource March 6 2005, 18:57:11 UTC
The waiter rat scurries off to bring their orders. "Never much cared for cell phones myself." The rat returns, and he takes a sip of his tea. "I see the Vegas CSIs run their show the same way the San Francisco ones do. How long has it been since you've had a day off?"


lvpd_sidle March 6 2005, 19:01:18 UTC
She takes a drink from her glass. "Aside from a suspension, I rarely take days off that aren't mandatory. And even when those come, I'm called in more often than not. I really can't remember a single instance of not being brought in." Her voice takes on an ironic tone. "Grissom--my shift supervisor--has been on my case over and over about not burning out or running myself to the ground. Then he's the one who calls me in on my off days. It is confusing at times."


nomorethesource March 6 2005, 19:09:56 UTC
Cole nods sympathetically. "Understandable. Good to see you're actually taking a day off then." Then, as an afterthought, "Y'know, this place sometimes does funky things with time. Some people who leave find that very little, or often no time has passed since they entered. If that's the case for you, I think you might find this place very useful."


lvpd_sidle March 6 2005, 19:12:48 UTC
"That sounds fantastic, now that you mention it. If nothing else, I have a good place to hide from Catherine or Ecklie if the need should arise." She grins, relaxing further. "I think I'm going to like this place. Oh, wow!" She looks out the window, seeing various ships fly by.


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