*Bernard wanders out of the staff quarters looking a little pale; he obviously ran afoul of the flu that's been sweeping through the staff during the last couple of days. He's a little tired, but not infectious. He goes behind the bar
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Evening, old son. Got a pint and a bowl of stew to spare?
*hands him a pint and goes to the kitchen to get the stew*
What's new?
Well, let's see. This morning over breakfast I threatened a vampire with a machete. I'd call that the breakfast of champions, all right.
*takes a bite of stew* This is brilliant stew.
How's things on your end?
I'd say that is an excellent start to any day.
I'll give Gil your compliments on the stew when he's more with it. Half the goddamn staff's laid up with the flu.
I'm all right. Had a minor bout of the flu yesterday, but I feel good today. *looks around the bar* Things are getting busy, which around here is both good and bad.
Say, while I'm here, you see anyone around here named Fred? Possibly female, possibly blue? Possibly a demon?
I'll let you know if I see her. I can't guarantee that I'll be at all effective if she tries something. *grins* I'm only good for bouncing mortals, you know.
*glances around the bar* Who's the sick old geezer in the doctor get-up?
I have no fucking idea, but he's creepy and he's looking for that Paul kid. I think we need to keep an eye on him. He's asking everyone if they're sick and need to be cured. I don't think I'd enjoy his idea of a cure. *shudders*
*sits, looks and thinks for a moment, takes out a cigarette and lights it* Aw what the hell, I could use a laugh. Keep my seat warm for me, all right, Bernard?
*Stands and strolls over to the doctor*
She looks down the length of the bar then walks up to John.
"John Constantine? That you?"
*He does a doubletake, and grins* Shite, they will let any old rubbish in here, won't they? Come on over here, Sparks. We could use your... sparkling wit.
"Glad to help, you silly bugger."
She turns to the doctor.
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