Where am I?!

Feb 12, 2005 18:39

The door to the bar was suddenly flung open, propelled as much by a gust of rain-laden wind as the figure who'd turned the handle. He dashed inside, seeking shelter from the storm, and slammed the door shut behind him.


That was one of the worst storms he'd ever experienced, and he was glad it'd hit while his ship was safe at an island! Brushing rain-soaked brown hair from his eyes, he looked around, his expression of relief at being out of the rain changing to one of shock. This wasn't the inn he'd thought he was dashing into!

Standing in front of the door, his clothes soaked through, rainwater forming a small puddle at his feet and blurring his vision where it streaked across his glass 'eyepatch', Captain Vyse surveyed Milliways.
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