
Feb 06, 2005 18:19

Ace is in the bar. But you knew that.
She's curled up in the darkest corner of what she has deemed 'her' booth, and a mug of hot cocoa sits steaming away on the table next to her. She's watching the bar, quietly, keeping an eye out for further develpments.
If you want to talk to her, I promise she won't bite.



ace (pyro), deadpool, seamus harper

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wadewilsonsdead February 7 2005, 02:57:30 UTC
Deadpool slides into the booth across from her, and slides her a beer. "Good news and bad news."


nitro_is_ace February 7 2005, 03:01:51 UTC
"Good news: I'm alive. Bad news: So are you." Ace delivers, deadpan.


wadewilsonsdead February 7 2005, 03:04:21 UTC
"Besides that." He grins, sweetly. "Talked to a dude from my world who knows about You Know Who. Bad news is, he didn't know of any way to cap the bastard."

He gestures to her. "Wanna hear the good news?"


nitro_is_ace February 7 2005, 03:09:39 UTC
"You're going away? Forever?' Fear the too-sweet voice. Ace doesn't look at Deadpool, instead staring out at the bar proper.


wadewilsonsdead February 7 2005, 03:15:11 UTC
He grins at her. "Even better. I GOT EXPLODING RUBBER DUCKS."


nitro_is_ace February 7 2005, 03:17:46 UTC
Ace winces, and finally looks at Deadpool. It isn't a happy look.
"What is it with you yankees and loudness?" she asks, looking pained.


wadewilsonsdead February 7 2005, 03:19:26 UTC
"Not all yankees. Just me, baby." He's got a point. There are plenty of loud people, but he is one of the loudest.


nitro_is_ace February 7 2005, 03:22:45 UTC
"Oh brill. What, did I annoy my fairy godmother at some point?" she asks, rhetorically.


wadewilsonsdead February 7 2005, 03:25:10 UTC
He considers this. "It's entirely possible. Or maybe you just got lucky."


nitro_is_ace February 7 2005, 03:27:39 UTC
"Go me." She goes back to looking at the bar. Absent-mindedly she picks up her mug, takes a sip, and places it back on the table.


wadewilsonsdead February 7 2005, 03:30:45 UTC
He frowns. "That bad, huh? Not even an exploding ducky's gonna cheer you up?"


nitro_is_ace February 7 2005, 03:34:25 UTC
Ace sighs, realizing that an explanation is in order.
"You want the long version, or the short version, sewer-boy?" At least she's looking at him again.


wadewilsonsdead February 7 2005, 03:38:35 UTC
He grins and takes a drink of beer, exposing his messed-up grille to do so. "Surprise me."


nitro_is_ace February 7 2005, 03:42:38 UTC
She mutters something about 'own teeth', and takes another sip of her cocoa. She's already decided not to involve Bernard in this. Let sewer-boy find his own info. It's not her fault he's a git.
"I gave my nitro to Tim. All of it. Nyar-weaslefeatures hasn't hit me yet..." she pauses, and winces, "but he might. And I have no intention of taking the bar with me if I lose my mind because of it." She's been thinking about this for a while. She still thinks it's the right decision, which has to be a good sign, right?
"I won't touch explosives until this is over."


wadewilsonsdead February 7 2005, 03:48:10 UTC
He crosses himself. "Jesus. No wonder you've been so crabby lately."


nitro_is_ace February 7 2005, 03:50:47 UTC
"No." She gives him another look. One of those 'well, aren't you special' looks. "It's just you."


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