" - just think we ought to consider the possibility that it was sent to us for a reason, my dear. That's all."
"Yeah, well. That's what he said."
Three figures
tromp down the stairs into the bar, one after the other. First Andrew, slightly dusty but no worse for the wear after his morning adventure. Then Aziraphael, clutching a large, dark volume
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They're drifting in the vague direction of a table, but Crowley can't quite seem to tear his eyes from the glowing red crystal bobbing above the Bar.
Something feels really off about this place; something he can't ever really remember picking up in Milliways before. If Aziraphael once told him that he could feel a great sense of love surrounding Lower Tadfield, then this is the opposite of that. It's...
Well, it gives Crowley the willies, is what.
He follows Andrew and Crowley toward a table, hoping. This has not often turned out to be the best plan.
If he sounds a little bitter, it's not directed at Andrew (or not precisely, anyway) so much as at the universe in general.
Is this because he wheedled Aziraphael into an extra week in Dominical? It is, isn't it.
"How long have things been like this? Since you were first able to notice, of course."
He puts the book reverently onto the table and takes a seat between them, patting Crowley's hand in reassurance.
"Speak for yourself. As someone new to the pot, I can tell you that something's seriously - not right, here. And I don't just mean the new grunge aesthetic."
"So it's getting worse. Has been getting worse. May in fact continue to get worse. 'Good luck,' she says, and she's always so exact." He looks back up at Andrew.
"I don't suppose you found anything else of use in your library search, my dear?"
A small, unhappy laugh. "And I'm not sure there's anything to find, even if we had more time. I mean, it's -- any one of these would be an all-out doomsday scenario by itself, and they're all happening at once. What are we supposed to do, let them fight it out?"
He looks, somewhat against his will, at the Observation Window.
"Though I've no idea what we can do about it."
Because if he doesn't, Aziraphael will bring up his James Bond window stickers.
Instead, he turns to Aziraphael and says: "That's exactly my point. Why shouldn't Milliways be able to contain it? It's weathered that - " he points to the conflagration outside the Observation Window, " - for who knows how long. What's a few cracks and earthquakes compared to that?"
Honestly, Aziraphael, apply a little logic to the interdimensional magic bar at the end of the universe.
"Yes," Aziraphael says. "But if we're wrong..."
He isn't sure what the conclusion to that sentence is, but it can't be anything good. It probably involves explosions.
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