
Feb 09, 2012 20:21

This is unexpected.

Anna stands in the middle of the bar, looking all around.

Things feel . . . off.

But she can't quite tell how, or how much of it is just normal end-of-the-universe interference with powers she hasn't had much call to use for the last couple decades.


castiel, anna milton, michael the archangel

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theunsmiling February 10 2012, 02:52:20 UTC
A woman seated several tables over -- dark hair, green eyes, jean jacket, red T-shirt -- looks up.

Her perusal of the newcomer-that-isn't lasts several seconds too long for mere human politeness.

There are reasons for that.

"Is this likely to be a harbinger, do you think?"

Inquiring minds want to know.


hear_the_voices February 10 2012, 02:57:44 UTC
"Hard to say.

"Harbingers are so often only known in retrospect."

A pause, and then, "I remember you.

"Who never asked her father why He named her Michael."


theunsmiling February 10 2012, 03:01:31 UTC
Michael does not smile.

"Curiosity was never my besetting vice."

It's a simple enough explanation that overlays a more complicated truth.

"Not that there are many who would disbelieve that."

She picks up her coffee cup, taking a long sip.

"Is forgetfulness yours?"


hear_the_voices February 10 2012, 03:04:34 UTC
"No," Anna says.

"It would be a rather boring besetting vice, wouldn't it?"

She could lay claim to curiosity.

Disobedience is probably at the top of the list, though.


theunsmiling February 10 2012, 03:11:52 UTC

Michael's voice -- and her expression -- are very definitely non-committal.

"Not for the one who had it, I shouldn't think. Every day would be full of surprises. Goldfish, it is said, have a similar affliction. But at least they are rarely bored."


hear_the_voices February 10 2012, 03:16:32 UTC
"And while surprises are not always pleasant, they cannot be said to be boring.

"Still, we are neither of us goldfish, are we?"


theunsmiling February 10 2012, 03:21:34 UTC
Michael inclines her head ever so slightly, mouth pressed into a flat line.

"For the moment, at least."

Things change, given enough time.

(Or a good enough story.)

"I cannot see much reason for complaint."


hear_the_voices February 10 2012, 03:23:58 UTC
"I do not believe that most creations who are not goldfish see much reason to complain about the fact."


theunsmiling February 10 2012, 03:25:19 UTC
"Most creations who are not human see little reason to complain at all."


hear_the_voices February 10 2012, 03:29:09 UTC
"Most, perhaps, but not all.

"Cats certainly have ways of making their displeasure known."

So do Angels.


theunsmiling February 10 2012, 03:39:34 UTC
"My brother has certainly always been fond of them."

What that means for their creation is another story.


hear_the_voices February 10 2012, 03:44:23 UTC
There is always another story.

"Am I meant to ask which brother?"


theunsmiling February 10 2012, 03:47:29 UTC
"Do you need to?"

It's a fairly academic question, so far as that one goes.

Or at least it is in most of the stories.

One of Michael's brothers is far more famous than the rest.


hear_the_voices February 10 2012, 03:49:40 UTC
And yet they are all extremely well known among those who know them.

And Anna does.

(Or did.)

Still . . .

"No, probably not."


theunsmiling February 10 2012, 03:52:22 UTC
Michael merely nods.

"Here's where I should offer up a cutesy nickname, but I don't have much truck with those."


hear_the_voices February 10 2012, 04:03:03 UTC
Anna almost laughs.

"For him or for yourself?

"Because, honestly, I'm having a hard time seeing either quite work."


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