(no subject)

Feb 04, 2012 23:35

Clare spends a lot of time walking through mostly uninhabited wilderness. It's what happens when you travel between towns in a sparsely populated pre-industrial land. Especially when you're faster and more tireless than any horse.

So that's what she was doing a minute ago.

Except she walked under an arch of tree branches, and...

Clare stops, staring out at the bustle of the bar. (She's right in front of the door. Let's hope no one comes through right behind her.) This is -- unexpected.

She's probably a reasonably conspicuous sight, even within Milliways: a young woman with pale blond hair, bleached-looking skin, and inhumanly silver eyes. She's wearing a white outfit of a leotard-like shirt and leggings and short cape, and armor that seems to be designed more for a distinctive impression than real protection. (Consisting as it does solely of shoulder spaulders, gauntlets, and shinguards and boots.) Sheathed on her back is a huge sword, large enough that it looks as if Clare would have trouble lifting it for long. The entire effect is to make her look even more bleached. (And possibly familiar.)

[OOC: If your character can sense demon auras or similar, check out her profile or ping Zebosity for further details! Clare has one.]

teresa of the faint smile, melaka fray, finn dan shahar, barbara gordon

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