
Jan 27, 2012 23:33

There's a man in a bowler hat and a fur overcoat sitting in a snowbank out back. He's currently looking out at the frozen lake, pistol in hand.

Not much interesting about him except for the fresh, gaping, self-inflicted headwound.

He's a little upset, but botherable.

john mccabe, karkat vantas, elrond

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Let me know if I'm too late to join in starrydome January 29 2012, 16:48:30 UTC
He can smell the blood as he exits the stable, like a flash of red iron in the clear, cold air. He sprints down the path and doesn't stop till he reaches the Man in the snow; even if he at quite a distance can already tell that something is not quite right. You shouldn't be sitting upright with a wound like that.

He could tell him to sit still, but he is already doing so. Asking if he is hurt is foolish, but things are not what they seem here, not always, and so a simple question of, "Do you need help?" seems a good place to start.

His fingers are itching to do something about the wound.

Tall, imposing, clad in a dark grey woolen cloak and with unbound dark hair cascading like water and mist down his back, and eyes lit with the light of stars, he does not look human at all.


Re: Let me know if I'm too late to join in gotpoetryinme January 31 2012, 08:43:05 UTC
"'M alright," McCabe says, turning his head toward Elrond. "Can't nothin' hurt me no..."

He trails off when he notices the elf's more...peculiar features.


starrydome January 31 2012, 09:50:43 UTC
If the son of Denethor can visit this place, though dead, logic dictates that others might be able to do the same.

It is still somewhat unsetteling. Of course, if it is unsetteling to him, chances are it is much worse being the one it is actually happening to.

"Do you need something to stop the bleeding?"

Not that it likely matters, but he might want to preserve his clothes.


gotpoetryinme January 31 2012, 10:03:30 UTC
He shrugs. "Couldn't hurt, I s'pose," McCabe says. "Probably scare a few people, walkin' around with a big goddamn hole in my head." He grins weakly.


starrydome January 31 2012, 13:35:56 UTC
Elrond steps closer, pulling out a linen handkerchief. He folds it and presses it to the wound, whispering something in Qenya. He's got no idea if it will work. But the fabric and pressure applied should amount to something at least.


gotpoetryinme February 1 2012, 10:30:06 UTC
McCabe feels an odd tingling sensation in his right temple.

Were Elrond to lift the kerchief, he would see that the wound closed somewhat, but not completely. The bleeding has also slowed considerably.

"Funny. Feels a bit better already."


starrydome February 1 2012, 14:33:12 UTC
Elrond smiles a little, feeling somewhat pleased with himself. Things doesn't always work the way they should here, but this seems to work.

"I work as a healer," he says, simply.


gotpoetryinme February 1 2012, 15:04:45 UTC
"Well, you done a pretty good job of it," he says. His brow furrows. "So you some kind of...wizard or somethin'?"

Wouldn't surprise him in this place.


starrydome February 1 2012, 17:12:14 UTC
Elrond laughs. Bright, tinkling elven laughter. "Hardly. And just as well I think. I am an elf. My name is Elrond Half-elven."


gotpoetryinme February 1 2012, 18:08:35 UTC
"An elf," he says flatly. He shakes his head. "Y'know, I wouldn't believe a goddamn thing I was seein' right now if I hadn't just proved I wasn't dreamin'."


starrydome February 2 2012, 08:07:47 UTC
"Milliways can be a strange place," Elrond agrees and then he asks, cautiously, "So this -" Indicating the cloth pressed against the head-wound. "Was to see if you were dreaming?"


gotpoetryinme February 2 2012, 08:54:31 UTC
"Yeah," he says. "Don't know what I was expectin' when I kicked it for good, but it sure as shit wasn't anythin' like this. Thought maybe I wasn't quite dead yet 'n my mind was playin' tricks on me."


starrydome February 2 2012, 09:07:19 UTC
So he is dead.

He certainly hopes that this is not what the mystery of mortal death entails in general.

Elrond's eyes are filled with sympathy. "But it wasn't."


gotpoetryinme February 2 2012, 09:40:36 UTC
"Nope," McCabe says. "Which means I'm really sittin' here with a goddamned hole in my temple gettin' tended to by a goddamned elf."

McCabe sighs. "Can't say I was expectin' it all to end like this."


starrydome February 2 2012, 11:48:33 UTC
"Perhaps this is not an end? Perhaps it is merely a brief respite before you move on?" Elrond suggests.


gotpoetryinme February 2 2012, 11:59:20 UTC
"Yeah, maybe," he says. "If it's so, I get the feelin' I might not like where I'm headed."


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