(no subject)

Dec 01, 2011 19:37

Mary Bennet has planned her approach with both precision and caution. Caution because, though the object has been pointed out to her more than once (and by people she doesn't entirely think are dastardly) she can't help the niggling fear that this is some sort of unpleasant ruse.

Precision because, well, why not be precise if one is able?

But, up close, the pianoforte in Milliways doesn't seem all that threatening. It looks a little different from what she's used to, but it is clearly a pianoforte, and no one seems to be appearing to tell her she's not allowed to use it.

Mary sits down, flexes her fingers, and begins to practice her scales.

This is the most normal she's felt since she walked through that fateful door.

[OOC: Computer shenanigans may lead to unexpected slowtime.]

mary bennet, william evans, yrael

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