(no subject)

Oct 30, 2011 13:45

As soon as Dinah comes into the bar, she realises what the date is. Her instand reaction is to cover her face with her hands and wait.

One second.

Still she has her face covered in her hands. That means she has hands. And for the most part they feel like hers. This is good.

She pulls her hands away from her face and looks down.

At the dress she is wearing.

"Really, Bar? Really?"

(Of course, the answer is ALWAYS. 'yes really.')

She just hopes she doesn't have to explain it to Bruce.

[OOC: Description of costume! It is a dark purple/black slinky dress with an hourglass silhouette, down to the ankle but with a slit right up one thigh. A plunge neckliine with a broad green collar, and a green cape that is nearly as long as the dress. The outfit inclused green knee length high heeled boots, a collar, and a upper face mask the saem colour as the dress. Dinah's costume is Catwoman.]

halloween, clementine johnson, urquhart, dinah lance, lucas

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