Oct 18, 2011 16:16
Coming into Milliways is a pair that hasn't been seen in a while. The bigger of the two--a clawed, blue skinned animal about the size of a small tiger or a very large dog with three sharply pointed pincers and a thick tail--is carrying the smaller girl, asleep on his back from where she's climbed up the same way a surface-dwelling child would ride a horse.
Kida's cheek is resting against the animal's neck, legs dangling towards the floor; her current ride plainly doesn't either notice or care that the decor has changed, merely padding through the bar room before stopping in the middle of it, and cocking his head. There's no place to drop his charge. Kida doesn't wake, thankfully, as her pet-turned-transportation makes his way to a couch and attempts to shrug her off.