(no subject)

Oct 08, 2011 10:37

Sometimes, it's really tough being a mom.

Weekends are usually more restful at the Magic Guild. Cepheus, however, has caught a bug from some student or other and has been sick today. Or he's somehow had an overabundance of sweets and his digestion is making him and his parents pay for it. It's sometimes hard to keep track of sneaky wizard children, even if you're a witch yourself.

Mia's been up since 5 a.m. tending to him and is happy to find Milliways. Concerned as she is for her child, time won't pass here, meaning she can afford to have a break.

When she sits at the bar, she's greeted by a grog loaf sandwich and an unusual-looking pickle spear. She picks the pickle up, looks at how green the skin is, and gives it an experimental bite.

A smile spreads on her exhausted face and she goes, "This is pickled Salyan cactus, isn't it?"

The bar answers back with a napkin of confirmation.

"I've had it before but I've forgotten how good it is. Thank you for reminding me."

Anyone else want to try?

guppy sandhu, kaworu nagisa, mia ausa

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