> Nepeta: Ascend to the highest point of the bar.

Sep 26, 2011 23:16

A just-barely-adolescent catgirl troll is perched happily in the rafters, surveying the bar.

There's just something so satisfying about being where you can see everything and nothing can reach you.

the trickster (spn), nepeta leijon, karkat vantas, the cat (coraline)

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> cat: Be awakened from a perfectly good nap. withhistailhigh September 27 2011, 16:35:17 UTC
On the next rafter over, something sleek and black stirs, opening two yellow-green eyes to blink muzzily at Nepeta.


nepetaleijon September 28 2011, 02:37:07 UTC
... !

Nepeta blinks back.


withhistailhigh September 28 2011, 02:51:06 UTC
For a long moment, the creature just stares. Then, it blinks, slowly and deliberately. If Alternian felines are anything like those on Earth, then Nepeta will recognize this as a gesture of trust, perhaps even friendship--a predator will not deliberately break eye contact with anything it considers an immanent threat or a potential meal.


nepetaleijon September 28 2011, 02:59:05 UTC
Nepeta muffles a tiny squeak of happiness, and very deliberately lids her own eyes in a reciprocal offer of trust.

It's a KITTY. And such a tiny one!

(The narration feels obligated to point out that Nepeta's referent for average cat size is her lusus, who was large enough for Nepeta to ride.)


withhistailhigh September 28 2011, 03:12:46 UTC
"Good evening," says the cat, in a voice like the voice in the back of your head. Except that Nepeta's inner monologue is probably not male, nor vaguely British-sounding.


nepetaleijon September 28 2011, 03:21:04 UTC
... !

"Hi," she says back, delighted. "I'm Nepeta! What's your name?"


withhistailhigh September 28 2011, 03:24:43 UTC
The cat stretches and settles into a sitting position on the rafter. "Cats," he says, "don't have names."


nepetaleijon September 28 2011, 03:40:17 UTC
She frowns. "My lusus was a cat and she had a name."


withhistailhigh September 28 2011, 03:55:39 UTC


nepetaleijon September 28 2011, 04:05:02 UTC
"Yes! Her name was POUNCE DE LEON and she was my favorite kitty in the world."

Nepeta looks a little downcast. She misses Pounce.


withhistailhigh September 28 2011, 04:15:10 UTC
"And where did her name come from?" the black cat inquires.


nepetaleijon September 28 2011, 04:27:54 UTC
Nepeta pauses, frowning again -- this time in the effort to remember.

"I don't know," she admits finally. "I think that was always her name."


withhistailhigh September 28 2011, 04:46:35 UTC
"It was applied to her," says the cat with the utmost confidence, "by someone who felt the need to use a series of syllables to define her identity. It was not hers."


nepetaleijon September 28 2011, 20:58:27 UTC
She folds her arms. "Maybe cats are diffurent where I come from. You don't sound like any cat I ever met."


withhistailhigh September 29 2011, 00:29:35 UTC
"Oh, really?" It sounds faintly amused.


nepetaleijon October 1 2011, 23:56:30 UTC
"Pawsitively." She sounds serious. "But that's okay! I've met LOTS of people here who don't sound like anyone I ever met."


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