
Aug 17, 2011 21:27

Outside, there is a whooping, laughing sort of shriek as Tsu'tey falls--rather gracelessly--from one of the larger trees, landing on his feet at the last moment before impacting the earth. He's still caught in the middle of a rare laugh, leaves stuck in his braids and looking exceptionally like a fifteen-year-old boy ( Read more... )

edward tivrusky, felix gaeta, tsu'tey, adrian shephard, the fool

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amazonofthe21st August 19 2011, 00:21:43 UTC
In a nearby tree, a proud creature sits, wings folded back and talons sunk firmly into the bark of the branch it is perched on. Its glossy black feathers are especially highlighted by the proud white head, but its wings ruffle a little when Tsu'tey hits the ground and makes such a ruckus.

It's not that Rachel's actually been interrupted from doing anything. It's just that a bald eagle looks haughty and disapproving no matter what it actually feels, with an expression like that.

...besides, Tsu'tey is something of a curiosity and she's bored enough to do some spying.


braveomaticaya August 19 2011, 01:48:36 UTC
He's not doing anything just yet--he didn't really intend to come into Milliways, but he's here now.

He just stands up, brushing himself off as he looks up, and then around.


amazonofthe21st August 19 2011, 23:24:37 UTC
There is nothing of particular interest - other than the eagle on the branch nearby, that is.

For Rachel's part, aliens are nothing new - and blue aliens, even less. She'd likely be staring at anyone who fell out of the sky with that much glee, just out of curiosity.


braveomaticaya August 20 2011, 01:41:23 UTC
Mostly, he's laughing because he'd been having a half-joking argument with a friend of his--and now he's not, so the smile fades rather quickly. He doesn't do much to call attention to himself, but just climbs back up to a branch wide enough to comfortably sit on, proceeding to finish undoing the majority of his braids.

He'll get Tanari to finish them when he goes back.


amazonofthe21st August 21 2011, 19:32:24 UTC
The eagle's head cocks curiously, which just happens to completely match up with how Rachel is watching him. He's nothing like the other aliens she's seen, really, and she finds herself wondering what he is, what that sort of morph would be like.

...which, okay, yes, has her internal-friend-with-more-morality scowling at her, but still. When your ability to turn into any creature relies solely on whether or not you can get a hand on them for thirty seconds, thoughts occur to you. She can't help thoughts.


braveomaticaya August 21 2011, 20:19:01 UTC
The bird happens to catch his eye, and he mirrors the headtilt, hands still working in his braids. He's not sure how long it's been there that he hasn't noticed it, but he supposes this must be like any other earth animal--how strange that it doesn't have the neural braid receptors!


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