
Aug 06, 2011 17:06

There is a familiar sort of conversation going on over at the bar. A temperamental teenager receives a napkin. There is frowning and griping. Another napkin appears. Another round of griping. And it ends in the usual fashion.

Threats and a new message on the board.

Happy Hour
1/2 off Smoothies - your choice of fruit and ice creamThere had ( Read more... )

rachel, happy hour, lily evans, ben grimm

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lilium_evansiae August 7 2011, 00:25:04 UTC
"It's Rachel, yeah?" Lily asks.

They met once, she thinks.

A while back.


amazonofthe21st August 7 2011, 00:30:42 UTC
Blue eyes flick up from an outfit Rachel is pretty sure comes from long after her time. Jeans on the rack that come pre-ripped? Come on. No way are those going to take off.

But she smiles at the new face and nods. "Yeah, that's me. And, um..."

A pause and she winces, expressively.

"Sorry, there are a lot of people that come through here."


lilium_evansiae August 7 2011, 00:36:09 UTC
"Just a few," Lily agrees, cheerful and thoroughly unoffended.

"Lily Evans," she supplies.

"Hogwarts School, Scotland, Earth, 1976."

And the tie knotted under her jumper will pretty much look exactly like the one James wears.


amazonofthe21st August 7 2011, 00:39:29 UTC
"Oh!" says Rachel, perking up as that falls into place - Hogwarts, as well as the year. It had been a recent discussion with James. Bell bottoms were involved.

"Yeah, I remember. You go to school with James Potter, right?"


lilium_evansiae August 7 2011, 00:41:20 UTC
Lily nods. "Yeah, I do.

"You know James, then?"


amazonofthe21st August 7 2011, 00:50:34 UTC
Rachel nods, setting the magazine aside. "Yeah, I guess. I see him a lot here."

One thing they do not talk about, really: James' crush-obsession. Or there would be some warning bells going off right now.


lilium_evansiae August 7 2011, 00:57:03 UTC
Well, she's less of a crush-obsession and more of a girlfriend these days, anyway.

(Which would make an unmentioned and very pretty blonde a bit of a cause for concern, except that Lily is pretty sure that's something she doesn't have to worry about with James. Ever.)

"It's very nice meet you again, then.

"James is my boyfriend."

And then she blinks.

"I've never said that out loud before."


amazonofthe21st August 7 2011, 01:06:35 UTC
Lily can exchange her 'pretty sure' for an 'exactly right,' free of charge.

Rachel blinks back.

And then grins, a little awkward but certainly amused. "Oh, okay. You must be the girl he was asking the whole bar about, his last happy hour."

Friends abuse friends because they care.



lilium_evansiae August 7 2011, 01:09:24 UTC
"Thank you," Lily says, automatically.

And then ...

"Asking the whole bar about?"

Because that's news to her.


amazonofthe21st August 7 2011, 01:22:07 UTC
"On the sign," Rachel explains, grinning as she points to the one behind her, "offering discounts to anyone who could explain girls. Apparently, you were confusing him."

As the great and loyal friend to one James Potter, Rachel follows this with a hand lifted into the air, palm toward Lily.



lilium_evansiae August 7 2011, 01:26:42 UTC
Lily stares at the sign for a moment, and then starts laughing, even as she reaches out to tap Rachel's hand with hers.

"He didn't. Oh, God.



amazonofthe21st August 7 2011, 01:42:56 UTC
"Oh yeah. I swear, he almost had a line out the door of well-meaning people trying to decode the secrets of Girl for him.

"Which is part of the reason why my congratulations was kind of surprised."


lilium_evansiae August 7 2011, 01:45:27 UTC
"I see," Lily says, still giggling.

"And, um, when was this?"


amazonofthe21st August 7 2011, 01:48:34 UTC
Rachel waves a hand, shrugging. "A few months ago, I guess."

It's hard to keep track of the calendar when... there's no reason to keep track of a calendar.

"Do you want something to drink?"


lilium_evansiae August 7 2011, 01:55:17 UTC
"Ah," Lily says, as if this explains things.

(Which it does. He's changed a lot, in the last few months. So has her opinion of him.)

"Sure. Though I'm not sure what a smoothie is."


amazonofthe21st August 7 2011, 01:58:24 UTC
"Fruit and ice cream blended into a shake," Rachel replies, making a blendy-motion with a finger. "Or just fruit, ice, and juice if you want. It's the only interesting thing I know how to make without breaking out Bar's drink book, and that's mostly alcoholic."


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