In which the Victors of District 3 play Jenga

Jul 11, 2011 23:04

The difficulty with being Victors is that the Capitol always has a means of controlling you.

The difficulty with being two of the brightest people on Panem is that if someone wants something invented, chances are that people come to you for it.

The difficulty with being two key people working in an underground rebellion is that there are an awful lot of secrets. Things to invent. Tasks to do.

Combine these factors with two people who are prone to burning their candles at both ends, and you have a potential for disastrous results. Mistakes. Slips of memory, slips of discretion. Not to mention physical and mental collapse.

Which is why they were both glad Wiress had come up with the idea to work in a room upstairs from the bar. They were able to get caught up, sleep as long as they needed to afterwards, and still get things done, all without time passing in their world.

So Beetee and Wiress have been around, but they've been working on things upstairs, only coming down to the bar when they were on the verge of collapsing from hunger.

And now they're caught up.

And so, after a celebratory dinner, now they are playing a game, something they don't often get to do together. They sit across from each other, leveling their gaze at a rectangular stack of blocks of wood. Wiress takes her little finger and slides one smooth wooden block out from the middle of the carefully constructed pile and delicately stacks it on top.

"Your turn," she murmurs to Beetee.

[tiny tag: Beetee and Wiress]

louis hoshi

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